Not allowed induction

I know I can't be induced this time around, which I am okay with, because I see how inductions aren't necessarily a good thing.

But does getting your water broke count as being induced?  I guess it may depend on the provider.

Re: Not allowed induction

  • It might depend on the provider, but I don't think AROM would pose any additional risks for a VBAC than for a non-VBAC. The issue with pit, cytotec, etc is uterine hyperstimulation from "unnatural" contractions, and that's not really the case with AROM.
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  • I would also ask your doc if they do low-dose pit or anything like that b/c I know my midwives would if it came down to it. 
    DS born via c/s 11/08 and med-free GD VBAC DD 3/11! Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
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  • I'm sure it's a doctor by doctor thing.... but my OB said she would strip membranes and break water, but wouldn't "induce me from nothing" as in give me high doses of pit when I wasn't favorable for an induction.  She does allow small doses of pit if labor stalls.
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  • It really varies by provider. My provider said that cervadil is absolutely contraindicated for a VBAC, but I ended up needing to deliver due to rising blood pressure and a history of pre-e and she induced. I was already 4 cm at the office a few days before they scheduled my induction and she was sure I wouldn't make it to my induction date, but I did. When I checked in I was at 5 cm having not felt a single contraction, so she broke my water and used a minimal amount of pitocin to move things along (because of the blood pressure they wanted to work quickly). I had my VBAC thanks to a doctor who was willing to both use pitocin for a VBAC and use forceps!
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  • imagemyantonia:
    I'm sure it's a doctor by doctor thing.... but my OB said she would strip membranes and break water, but wouldn't "induce me from nothing" as in give me high doses of pit when I wasn't favorable for an induction.  She does allow small doses of pit if labor stalls.

    my practice has very similar protocols.  will help things along, but won't do a 'cold' induction for a vbac. 

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