My DS is 5 weeks old and is being treated for reflux and is MSPI. He is BF and seems to be able to tolerate small quantities of milk/soy, so he has been much better with me just cutting out major sources of these triggers, instead of checking labels and such. I do supplement some with formula, so the pedi suggested trying Alimentum. It has worked like a charm-no more screaming, projectile spit up, rashes and his congestion has improved a ton also. However, tonight we switched from ready to feed to the powder, and he freaked out. He did drink some, although you could tell he wasn't too fond of it (it smells MUCH WORSE than the RTF), and then proceeded to scream hysterically, and spit up the entire feeding. Has this happened to anyone else? Why would he do okay with the RTF but not the powder?
ETA: After he calmed down, we proceeded to give him some RTF which he gulped down, and he is now sleeping peacefully.
Re: Alimentum question
I searched on Google and found that there is an absolute difference between RTF and the Powder for Alimentum, at least.
Here's a link on a Yahoo Questions where the person experienced the exact same thing you did. The person I'm referring to is the person answering the initial question that was asked.
Thanks for the replies. I called Similac and they confirmed that the ingredients are different with the RTF and powder with this type of formula, and that they commonly hear the same complaint about babies not tolerating the powder because of the corn-based ingredients. He also said that the RTF is sweeter, so it would most likely be more appealing to a BF baby as opposed to the powder. I guess we will just stick with the RTF from now on.
I must say, Similac had great customer service and are sending a $30 refund check for the open can of powder that we can't use.
That is awesome they are doing that! That is interesting about the corn in the powder formula. My daughter could never tolerate it, and has been on the RTF alimentum for months and months now. She had a puree with corn in it about a month ago and threw the whole thing back up. Looks like we are definitely dealing with a corn allergy as well as a dairy/soy intolerance.