Cloth Diapering

anybody selling Flips?

PM me if you have Flips for sale or trade. There are seconds up still, but if somebody here has 'em cheaper, let me know! Don't care about color, but since my DD's Flips are all blue, perhaps any other color would be preferred.

I'm also looking for stay dry inserts. 

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Re: anybody selling Flips?

  • I have 7 stay-dry inserts that I can sell for $15.  Shipping would only be a few bucks I would imagine.  We only used them for a month or so, but my daughter turns out to be a heavy wetter and we moved back to prefolds!
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  • imageSarahferret:
    I have 7 stay-dry inserts that I can sell for $15.  Shipping would only be a few bucks I would imagine.  We only used them for a month or so, but my daughter turns out to be a heavy wetter and we moved back to prefolds!
    That sounds great. Do you have any covers?
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