Is anyone looking for a new job while TTC? If so, are you sharing you're TTC plans with perspective employers?
I currently work, and I like my job, but I'm under paid and I feel like I'm losing a lot of my education and skills because I'm not putting them into practice, so I'm considering looking for something else part time. I'm just not sure if looking for a new job while trying to expand my family is a good idea.
Oh, and fyi, I'm a nurse - a new job would mean a lot of time on my feet etc if I were to get pregnant... So I guess that's something to consider also.
Re: Job hunting while TTC?
How much of your seniority (if any) would you lose if you switched jobs? That'd be a concern for me, as well as FMLA kicking in and possible maternity leave coverage.
That said - I wouldn't stay at a job I hated because we were TTC, unless the insurance was excellent or something like that. If it takes you 6 months to get pregnant, you could have started a new job 5 months before and been covered by FMLA and all that other stuff.
ETA: I absolutely wouldn't share with a prospective employer that I was TTC.
I would most certainly not share my TTC plans with potential employers. It is none of their business. If an offer came through for a job that you really want to take, I would let them know you are pregnant if you are at that point - even then only to negotiate to have FMLA (or whatever other benefits they may offer) apply to you when you give birth.
I switched jobs when I was six months pregnant and it was a great decision for my family. I told them at the job offer that I would love to take the job, but wanted them to know that I had maternity leave planned for the month DS was born. They were fine with it.
If you tell someone you are PG during the application/interview process, you put them on the hook under the pregnancy discrimination act - definitely not your intention, of course, but it's still true and a concern for them. Keep it to yourself. GL!
We love you baby - m/c - 09/10/2011
I'm in this position right now. I hate my current job, I'm miserable and I'm looking for a new job. I will not tell prospective employers that we are TTC. It is none of their business.
I am job hunting, but I got laid off, so I don't have a job at all right now. Fortunately for us, our budget is based solely on my DH's income, so anything I bring in is supplemental income. (Which is why we are still ok TTC right now). That said, I am absolutely still job hunting,because I really do want to work. I am not letting potential employers know anything about TTC, because I don't think it is any of their business until I am KU. Once I am KU, and have had my first appointment, I will let my employer know. But I also fully intend to go back to work after baby.
I would say that there is nothing wrong with job searching while TTC. Especially if you hate your job. Since you don't know how timing will work out with getting pregnant, I would keep searching until you get your BFP.Good luck!
** After 2 1/2 years of Unexplained IF, 2 failed medicated cycles, and 4 failed IUI's - our baby girl came to us through the miracle of Mini IVF! **
No, that is not something you should share, its none of their business and they can't discriminate against you for that reason, but they might.
It is risky starting a new job and risking no benefits or paid leave, but you have to live your life for now because you don't know when and if you'll get pregnant.
Violet Mae born 1/15/13
TTC is such a personal thing. It's none of their business.
And quite frankly, if I were the one interviewing you and you started talking about TTC, I would find it really weird and awkward. Not really the right time or place.
I wouldn't tell them you were TTC, but as others have indicated, be very cautious about starting a new job if you are already pregnant or become pregnant soon, as you may not have any real time off when the baby comes. I have a friend that only got 2 weeks off, and it was horrible for her.
We were TTC, and I hated my job. So I started job hunting, and we decided that either a job would happen first and we would pause TTC until the new job started and I was eligible for maternity leave/FMLA, or I would get pregnant, I would stay until 8-9 months pregnant, then quit. The job happened first, so we had to pause for about 6 months, but now we're TTC again.
BFP on Cycle #8. Natural M/C at ~8 weeks
IUI #1 and #2 (8/12, 9/12)- 50 mg Clomid + Ovidrel = BFNs
IVF #1 (EPP) 13R/10M/9F, 5DT 1-4AA blast, beta #1-148, beta #2-322, 5 frosties!
Yeah, You're right, TTC is none of thier business. I guess my wishful thinking says if I start applying now then by the time an interview will roll around I will be pregant! At that point they would probably have a right to know, right? I might feel weird starting a job and being like "oh, by the way I need all of next summer off for maternity leave.". idk.
IDK why a lot of the PPs seems to think I hate my job... I had to double check myself for a typo, but no, it definitely says "like" haha. I actually have always really loved my job. The thing is I didn't get a lot of hospital experience after getting out of school and my job now is in substance abuse... so I'm basically not using any of my nursing knowledge and skills and critial thinking. I'm so afraid of losing it all... I'm already starting to forget things. I didn't even like being in a hospital when I did work in one. I just feel like I need to keep that stuff fresh because if I ever lost my job for any reason and really had to look for another one, I want them to know that I know my stuff.
Missed Miscarriage discovered at 9w6d
D&E 10.27.2011
I'll love you forever Baby Speck
If your employer asks if you plan on expanding your family, etc. you do NOT have to answer this. If you are not currently pregnant and contemplating telling a potential employer that you are TTC it'd be best to keep it to yourself. Some employers, intentional or not, will use that information in determining whether or not to hire you if there are other candidates for the position, and if may affect your chances of being hired.
I have a whole list of questions employers legally cannot ask during the interview question and that if asked, you should refuse to answer unless you would like to share non-work related aspects of your life to an employer. If anyone is interested let me know and I'll attempt posting it in here.