
joseys- what's ND like?

I have never been there and am just curious! I don't really know of anyone from ND either.

Do you live in a really rural area?  Does it get hot there?  What is the nearest city? Lots of wildlife?

Indulge my ignorance, please :)

C ~ Spring 2006 Baby! Photobucket

Re: joseys- what's ND like?

  • I did not grow up here (grew up in very rural MT), but I love it here.  There are only a few large cities (and I wouldn't really call them a city).  I live in one of them, but like I said, I don't feel like I live in a city at all.  I think we have just over 100,000 people? 

    The hottest it usually gets in the summer is in the 90's.  We'll have a couple weeks usually of super hot and humid.  We don't have much of a spring or fall because it is usually snowing by Halloween and through Easter.  It get really cold, easily -10 to -20 degrees without windchill, and the wind blows constantly.  I will say that the weather does pretty much suck a lot of the year. Smile 

    Weather aside, I love it here, mostly because of the people.  Much of the state is rural, so even in the bigger towns, you get a lot of that rural feel just because most of the people grew up around that, and I like that.  People are friendly, and you don't have to be paranoid about violence or any of that really bad stuff that we see on tv.  We are one of the very few states that still has an great economy.  There have been a few larger companies affected by the bad economy, but our unemployment rate is very low, and the markets are holding.

    There is a lot of oil developement in the NW part of the state, and it has had some negative impacts.  A lot of overcrowding because everything is so rural up there.  There is no housing and people are starting to get greedy over all the money that the oil companies have; asking ridiculous amounts of money for housing and all of that.  It's unfortunate, really. 

    We've had a lot of challenges in the past few years, this year especially, with flooding, so a lot of people are really struggling, yet, they just keep going and doing whatever they can to take care of things and help others.

    A lot of people wouldn't consider ND to be a beautiful state, but I think it is.  We have no mountains or trees.  It is mostly rolling farm and pasture land.  You can drive for a long time and not see much of anything.

    You should visit sometime! Smile

  • Wow, thanks for taking the time to fill me in!  I was actually picturing it would be like Montana in my head- there's my 'only ever lived on the east coast' ignorance coming in!

    I'd love to visit one day :)

    C ~ Spring 2006 Baby! Photobucket
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