This may get long so my apologies in advance. On Saturday night (8/20) I was admitted to labor and delievery for what they thought was an abruption to one of the placentas. I had gotten up to go to the bathroom and started bleeding pretty heavily. I honestly don't think I have been so scared in my life. I was put on the mag drip for 24 long, horrible hours along with constant fetal monitoring. I had an ultrasound on Tuesday where they discovered that my water had broken around baby b. The bleeding would start and stop and by yesterday there was concern that I may hemmorage so they wheeled me into the OR at 8 am to deliever.
William Wyatt and Edward Davis were born on 8/24/11 (one day before their big brother's birthday!) at 31w 4d and weighed 3lbs 2ozs and 3lbs 4ozs respectively. Wyatt, who has a severe heart defect, is in the pediatric cardiac ICU and Davis is in the NICU. We are waiting to hear from the peds cardiology team if they are going to perform a heart cath on Wyatt today to try and keep the hole on the top of his heart open.
This has been an extremely stressful experience especailly given that my husband was also admitted to the hospital for a lung infection. He was discharged today and I will probably be discharged Saturday. I am not looking forward to having leave both boys at the hospital but I am thankful that they are in good hands here. Please keep our family in your thoughts and prayers.
Re: My boys are here
I see you are going with their middle names? That's neat.
Welcome to the world Wyatt and Davis! Sending tons of T&P for Wyatt's heart procedure.
Oh and Happy Birthday to your big little guy!
"Just keep swimming, just keep swimming..."
Preemie ID DDs; then DS; then natural M/C; now due 10/17
High risk for pre-term: weekly Makena injections
After 2 years, Injects, PCOS diagnosis and 2 IUI's, we were blessed with our beautiful twin girls!
Baby Girl #3!
Congrats! We'll keep your family in our prayers. My little E had a heart defect when she was born and a cardiac cath at 1 mo, and I know how scary it all can be. One year later, she's got a clean bill of health from the pediatric cardiologist!
Let us know how you're doing.