
Having a hard first week of PreK3.

DS1 is one month from his 4th birthday.  He is in half day PreK3 through out local public school system.   DS1 gets up on his own at 630am, has breakfast, gets ready, is taken to school with his sister @ 745am and is picked up by daycare @11am where he has lunch, nap and play time with his friends.  He has been in full day daycare since he was an infant and many of the same kids have grown up with him.  3 of his friends go to PreK3 with him and ride the bus with him to the daycare center from school (and follow the same routine).  He is picked up from daycare around 4pm. It's really hot when we get home and generally they just like to watch a show, so I let them.  (Do we need to run off steam?) 


DS1 actually really appears to like school.  He loves have a back pack--like the big kids.  The first day drop of was fine, since then he has been a sour puss in the AM and the PM.  I am sure some of it is normal transition to a new routine.  The last couple of mornings he has thrown fits that he doesn't want his extra clothes in his backpack (which is a must for the classroom), he doesn't like his socks and shoes (one old and one new pair of shoes-- doesn't matter which) and the socks he has had for a while.  This was never an issue before. 


He is not doing well at night.  I attribute this to the nap during the day but last night, he was up to 10pm fussing about what seemed like everything in the world, thirsty, wants cover up, etc.  He was put in bed at 815pm.  He kept saying he had to pee.  I can't tell if it's a ploy to get out of bed or if he doesn't fell well.  When I asked if his penis hurt, he said no. He has no fever and he was fine peeing this AM.  He finally went to sleep when I did (10pm). 


I am sure we just need time to transition but anyone have any ideas...he's driving me crazy.  Anyone else remember having a tough transition in preschool?  MH said he had a hard drop off today (and yesterday). 


He's also my picky eater if that matters any.  I have no idea how he is actually done in school b/c there hasn't been a teacher/parent communication like the color charts as in DD's class plus MH does drop off. 


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Re: Having a hard first week of PreK3.

  • Sounds like a combo of age and adjustment to the new routine.  I know my DD does really great during the school day but is a beast at home for a little while once school starts.


    C ~ Spring 2006 Baby! Photobucket
  • I think this is just one of those things that you have to ride out :(. I know our schedule this past week has been a total 180 from how it was over the summer. Heck, even I'm having a hard time adjusting. We haven't had any major meltdowns but I know both my boys are so tired at the end of the day. They get whiny and my oldest starts getting very over-sensitive. I don't think it would hurt anything to send a little note just asking his PK teacher how he's been in the classroom, especially if he's not doing better at home next week. I hope it gets better soon!
    -Sarah, Ryan 10.26.05 & Caleb 5.2.07 image
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  • I think it's just a reaction to new routine.  If you guys keep things as normal as possible otherwise, provide needed reassurance and do quick drop-offs (not the lingering, heart wrenching ones!), things will even out soon.  My youngest is super social & was really excited to start preschool last year, I didn't anticipate any problems with it as she was familiar w/the school because of her sister going there.  She ended up having a harder transition than I would have expected.  She always had a great time, but she def. became a Stage 5 clinger for awhile when dropping off.  My drop-offs had to be quick & dirty.  Even months later she'd sometimes say "I don't want to go to preschool, I want to stay home with YOUUUU mama".  She wasn't resistant any more, just had to remind me sometimes, I guess :) 
  • I totally feel your pain!! All I can say is I'm hoping it's a wait it out thing. I know DD has been totally exhausted this week. Something about the transition and being in "real" school is totally different. Also I'm noticing DD is exhausted emotionally and her brain is tired but I don't think she's physically tired. I "made" her go swimming yesterday and she did a lot better last night. It's like her brain is tired but her body needs to run off some steam. Good luck and keep me posted!
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