Pre-School and Daycare

The first week of school has been hard--PreK3.

DS1 is one month from his 4th birthday.  He is in half day PreK3 through out local public school system.   DS1 gets up at 630am, has breakfast, gets ready, is taken to school with his sister @ 745am and is picked up by daycare @11am where he has lunch, nap and play time with his friends.  He has been in full day daycare since he was an infant and many of the same kids have grown up with him.  3 of his friends go to PreK3 with him and ride the bus with him to the daycare center from school(and follow the same routine).  He is picked up from daycare around 4pm. 

DS1 actually really appears to like school.  He loves have a back pack--like the big kids.  The first day dropp of was fine, since then he has been a sour puss in the AM and the PM.  I am sure some of it is normal transition to a new routine.  The last couple of mornings he has thrown fits that he doesn't want his extra clothes in his backpack (which is a must for the classroom), he doesn't like his socks and shoes (one old and one new pair of shoes-- doesn't matter which) and the socks he has had for a while.  This was never an issue before. 

He is not doing well at night.  I attribute this to the nap during the day but last night, he was up to 10pm fussing about what seemed like everything in the world, thristy, wants cover up, etc.  He was put in bed at 815pm.  He kept saying he had to pee.  I can't tell if its a ploy to get out of bed or if he doesn't fell well.  When I asked if his penis hurt, he said no.  He was fine peeing this AM.  He finally went to sleep when I did (10pm). 

I am sure we just need time to transition but anyone have any ideas...he's driving me crazy.  Anyone else having a tough transition?  MH said he had a hard drop off today (and yesterday). 

He's also my picky eater if that matters any. 


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Re: The first week of school has been hard--PreK3.

  • I'm sorry the first day was such a challenge!  No, we haven't a tough transition (and hopefully we won't)  because DS's first day is not until Sept. 6th.

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  • I kind of am dealing with the same thing. The boys have been in daycare since they were 4 months old, but now they're going to "new school" and every morning, at least one of them is whining that he doesn't want to go. But once I drop them off, they're happy as clams.

    I think it's just going to take time for them to get used to the change.

    (Miles woke up screaming the other night, he was having a nightmare which he NEVER has, and I think it's because of all the changes.)

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