Have any of you been told that your placenta has calcified? My reasoning for asking is last week at our growth ultrasound, doctor stated that the placenta looked ragged because of calcification. She didn't seem to concerned at the time, but i'm just starting to become concerned as time goes on. If you've been told you have this, did they give you any idea what they would do if you went past your due date? Induction? C-section, etc? I've done some research and am finding different things.. TIA!
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Re: Placenta calcification ?
I hate to say this but in my case the placenta started to break apart. This is very dangerous but if you OB looked at the placenta and thinks it is fine then I guess she knows best about it. I went to L&D because of bleeing and they did an u/s and said it was calcified but sent me home. The next day I had a lot of bleeding and clots. I went to the Dr. and she acted like it was nothning. I ended up delivering the next day via cesarean but I also got an infection and some type of flu. I don't know if the sickness was due to the placenta but I suspect that things would have gone better had it not been calcified. Did your Dr. say how long they would let you go if you don't go into labor?
Some break down before people even reach their EDD and some last well past the EDD. I gave birth at 43 weeks and only had a tiny bit of calcification. Your body doesn't follow dates on a calendar and as long as your Dr. is keeping an eye on it, I wouldn't stress about it.
I don't have a lot of experience with this, but from what I know, I'm VERY surprised and concerned that your doctor sent you home and didn't want to deliver within the next few days. A friend of mine had to be induced at 1 week overdue because her baby's fluids were low, and it turns out that almost 1/2 the placenta had calcified, so there wasn't as much fluid being produced. Her daughter was also only 6lb's, and they were pretty sure that she was losing weight, and starving slowly because she wasn't getting what she needed through the placenta.
Conversely, when I delivered 2 weeks late, my son's placenta had only just started to show signs of calcification. I was told at the time that it was a good sign, that he was delivered when the placenta was starting to shut down and not provide as well for his needs.
I could be wrong, but I was really under the impression that a calcifying placenta would only get worse, and that it was important for the baby to get out of there very soon, because they're no longer getting as much as they need from it. I'm not trying to scare you, but in my opinion (and I admit I'm no healthcare professional) it's something to be really closely monitored, and going another entire week to your due date before doing something about it seems unwise.
Of course, I'm not trying to discredit the doctor. I don't know how common calcification is, and if he's seen it lots and it's fine, then ignore me entirely