Anyone get conflicting info regarding their vbac from different docs in the practice?

The OB practice I go to has 4 obgyns. One of them just joined the practice in the beginning of August. You are supposed to see all of the docs just incase one of them is on call when you deliver. 

At one of my earlier appointments, my doctor told me that I was totally fine to do a vbac as long as baby was head down and that I went into labor on my own.

Then another doctor told me that I could go a week and a half past my due date to see if I would go into labor, and if not, they would schedule a c-section.

Then, this past week, I saw the newest doctor, and she told me that I could go to 41 weeks, but then they would induce. I reminded her that it was a vbac and she said that they would still induce at 41 weeks, but if my cervix was still high, thick and closed, that I would probably end of with a c-section anyways. She told me this while I was having an NST, and I was super uncomfortable, so I didn't press the issue. But once I left the doctors office, I got really upset that everyone was giving me different information. I feel like this pregnancy is VERY different from my first (twin preg., pre-e and scheduled csect at 36 wks), and I have no idea what to expect, yet my doctors aren't doing much to ease my fears. DH is going to go to my appt with me next week, so when I get upset and flustered, he can step in and make sure we get some straight answers.

Anyone else experience something similar? Or were your doctors all on the same page? TIA! 

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Re: Anyone get conflicting info regarding their vbac from different docs in the practice?

  • I went to a CNM and she is the only person I saw- one of the reasons I went to her was to avoid the situation you are in.  It's really too bad that the doctors aren't on the same page, but at least they all appear to be positive about VBACs.  I'd suggest making your appointments with the doctors who let you go later when you are at the end of your pregnancy.  But hopefully your DH can help you with questions to ease your concerns at your next appt.
    Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers image image
  • Unfortunately, I think this is one of the major flaws with these large practices.  During my 60 hour induction, I had the "opportunity" to speak with every doctor on staff.  One minute we were getting ready to use suction, the next I had 30 minutes to push the baby out on my own or have a cs.  One minute is was more cervadil or cytotec, the next it was pit.  It was very disheartening and confusing. 

    BUT, it makes me even more convinced that there's no one way to have a baby.   And a VBAC at 42 weeks is a legitmate option.  If I were you, I would remind them what was said previously and stick to it.  They can't force you to schedule.

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  • There is 1 OB in the group that I use who would rather not be bothered by VBAC's. The others are all supportive of my decision. I am told that if he is the on call doctor when I go into labor that he'll do it, because I am someone else's patient, but it makes me nervous that he'll be quick to send me for a RCS. The rules, however, for all of them, are the same. I can not be induced (hospital policy, a VBAC has to happen naturally for you to have one there, you can not have any medical assistance) and I can not go past my due date because of GD.
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  • I only see my OB even with a practice that has 8, she is supportive of my trying for a VBAC (although not as much as I thought she would be) however in our hospital they will not use an ounce of pitocin on a VBAC so if pregnancy stalls out they give the option of a RCS. I am told she will let me go to 41 weeks but again like others have said no one can force you into the operating room, if you show up in active labor at the pushing point at 42 weeks they still can't force you to be cut open. They can try to guilt you into it though which having had that experience it works on woman who isn't thinking straight during contractions! It's hard to know what to do and as much as I want to have a VBAC I know that if the same circumstances happen as with what happened with DS's labor then I will just schedule the RCS, I wish you luck and peace with your choice though!
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  • I am in the exact same situation that you are.  My practice has 6 OB's and the practice in general is supportive of VBAC's.  And it is in my chart that I want to VBAC but I get a different feeling from each doc I see.  At my last appointment the doc tried to get me to schedule a c/s for 40 weeks just in case.  I am also AMA which I think is the bigger issue with them.

    I spoke with DH about getting a Doula and I think we are going to do this to give us some more support.

    Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers Lilypie First Birthday tickers
  • I'm worried about this as well.  My practice has 4 routating as well.  Didn't mind it the first time around.  They were all very nice, answered my questions, and helped me try to get DD to turn.  Granted I haven't had a real appt. yet.  I'm just worried with the issues I had last time and them not seeming to have any of that info in my chart.  That will all lead to no certainty.  And I don't do unknow well.  I like to have a plan.  Even if LO decides to change it for me.  Wink
    Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers Lilypie Third Birthday tickers Lilypie Maternity tickers
  • I see a doc that is in a group of 12!  It's a total crap shoot who I will get for labor.

    For DS's pregnancy and birth, I saw Doctor A for the first 30 weeks, then he left the group.  I saw Doctor B for the last ten.  During my induction, I was treated by Doctors C and D.  Doctor E did my C/S.  

     Now I'm seeing Doctor F for this pregnancy.   I've also had one other appointment with Doctor G who is in the same building as Doctor F.   

    No joke. :)  At least I've made it through most of them at this point and at least know them a little bit.

     It's part of the reason that I hired a doula.  I need some consistency and we need an advocate while we see our never ending rotation of doctors all with different opinions and rules.   I would choose any other option if I could, but unfortunately my insurance requires that I see an OB (as opposed to a family practice or midwife) and this is the only OB group I'm allowed to see.  Gotta love insurance companies!

    Pregnancy Ticker Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • imagemyantonia:

    I see a doc that is in a group of 12!  It's a total crap shoot who I will get for labor.

    For DS's pregnancy and birth, I saw Doctor A for the first 30 weeks, then he left the group.  I saw Doctor B for the last ten.  During my induction, I was treated by Doctors C and D.  Doctor E did my C/S.  

     Now I'm seeing Doctor F for this pregnancy.   I've also had one other appointment with Doctor G who is in the same building as Doctor F.   

    No joke. :)  At least I've made it through most of them at this point and at least know them a little bit.

     It's part of the reason that I hired a doula.  I need some consistency and we need an advocate while we see our never ending rotation of doctors all with different opinions and rules.   I would choose any other option if I could, but unfortunately my insurance requires that I see an OB (as opposed to a family practice or midwife) and this is the only OB group I'm allowed to see.  Gotta love insurance companies!

    Oh my! All those doctors make my head spin! How can they possibly communicate effectively amongst that many doctors??

    I wish we had the money to hire a doula. :( I am just going to have to really advocate for myself. Up until recently, I really liked my practice, but now I'm having lots of doubts.  

    imageBaby Birthday Ticker TickerBaby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • imagedaisybride78:

    I see a doc that is in a group of 12!  It's a total crap shoot who I will get for labor.

    For DS's pregnancy and birth, I saw Doctor A for the first 30 weeks, then he left the group.  I saw Doctor B for the last ten.  During my induction, I was treated by Doctors C and D.  Doctor E did my C/S.  

     Now I'm seeing Doctor F for this pregnancy.   I've also had one other appointment with Doctor G who is in the same building as Doctor F.   

    No joke. :)  At least I've made it through most of them at this point and at least know them a little bit.

     It's part of the reason that I hired a doula.  I need some consistency and we need an advocate while we see our never ending rotation of doctors all with different opinions and rules.   I would choose any other option if I could, but unfortunately my insurance requires that I see an OB (as opposed to a family practice or midwife) and this is the only OB group I'm allowed to see.  Gotta love insurance companies!

    Oh my! All those doctors make my head spin! How can they possibly communicate effectively amongst that many doctors??

    I wish we had the money to hire a doula. :( I am just going to have to really advocate for myself. Up until recently, I really liked my practice, but now I'm having lots of doubts.  

    . I'm sorry to butt in. I was lurking because I'm a doula and I'm always interested in the state of VBACS in the country. I just wanted to suggest looking for a student doula. You can often find one either free or at a reduced rate.
    Lilypie - (vGZN)

    Lilypie First Birthday tickers
    BFP2: 10/27/13(edd 7/10/14) "Speck" ~ M/C 12/5/13
  • I had a similar thing happen to me in the past few weeks. There are 7 doctors in the practice and so far I'd seen 5 of them, all telling me that I was a great candidate for VBAC, not a single one mentioning anything about having to schedule a just in case RCS. I saw the 6th a month ago and she didn't seem so thrilled with the whole VBAC thing, but did not express that to me verbally. She did say that they would not allow me to reach 42 weeks and that they would not give drugs to induce a VBAC so she suggested I go ahead and schedule a RCS just in case. She said they'll schedule it as late as 41 weeks but if I can't get on the schedule until 2-3 days after I reach 41 weeks it's not a big deal (just can't hit that 42 week mark--she said the risk of still birth increased by so much at 42 weeks---I didn't really pay complete attention to the statistic she gave me, nor did I research it after I left). The benefit to this was that I got to schedule it with the doctor that I like the most. It scheduled for 15 days from now.

    At first I thought the one doctor was just being a nay-sayer but I've seen the other doctors again since and they've all recommended scheduling one just in case I don't go into labor on my own by then.

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  • That really shocks me!  My sister is a nanny for a large ob practice, and I have discussed some issues and concerns about my cs and wanting to vbac  (she tried for a vbac and had to have a rcs...)  At her practice, they all have to go by the same rules for vbac, which are unfortunately very strict, but at least all the dr.'s are on the same page.


    With my pregnancy with DD, I went to a 4 dr. practice, and hated it, I felt like i was not getting  individual care.  So I switched to my new ob, who is a single dr. practice, and I love how everyone there knew me on a first name basis, and I actually spoke to the dr. when I would call with questions.  He has 3 dr.'s that cover for each other, since he does go out of the country 2 weeks out of the year, and if I were to be due around the period, I would go meet who would be on call, and I believe they are all vbac supportive, but hopefully I won't be due when he leaves.

  • same here.

    At first i was told c/s only and scheduled at 39wks.  Then i met w/ my doc who delivered my son vaginally.  She said b/c my labor was good if i went to the hospital in labore i could try a vbac but they wouldn't let me go past my due date.

    Next doc said i was allowed to go 1wk past my due date to try to vbac.

    had growth u/s at 32wks and baby is measuring in the 10-14th %.  So then i was told that if baby continues to be small i won't be allowed past my due date.  And if baby falls below 10th % most definitely a c/s. 

    UGH!!! So who the heck knows what will end up happening.  i"m getting another u/s 2nd week of sept. and hopefully that will shed more light on what's goig on w/ LO. 


    Image and video hosting by TinyPic 8.15.07 NATHAN 6.13.09 - 6.14.09 WYATT born 32w3d Gone too soon, RIP. 4.21.10 BFP - missed m/c - D&C on 5.27.10. 1.31.11 BFP - 1st cycle IUI + Follistim + Trigger (2 mature follies)Beta 1 @ 13dpiui: 199 Beta 2 @ 15dpiui: 527 10.7.11 ELIANA(Ellie)ROSE (39w3d)Team Green turned Team Pink - VBAC & ALL NATURAL 6lbs 11oz 19 &1/2in
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