
IUGR, car seat ?

I have IUGR and my baby has been around 3% for size.  As of today he was 3 lb 9 oz.  They say everything is good for now and that he is just consistently growing at a small rate. 

I just realized the car seat I have (Graco Snugride 22) is for 5 lbs and up.  If he keeps growing at the same rate, then he would be less than 5 lbs at birth.  The car seat was a baby shower gift so I don't have the box or receipt, but it still has tags.  I also have an extra base for this car seat.  Should I try to return it for a car seat that is for 4 lbs and up?  Should I wait until he is born and see how much he weighs?  I saw that the graco snugride 30 accomodates 4 lbs and up, anyone have this?

Thank you!

Re: IUGR, car seat ?

  • Ah that's a tough decision. If you can return and exchange it for the carseat that fits 4lbs and up, I would. My DD came home at 4lbs 5oz and we used the Chicco Keyfit 30. I think it all depends on the hospital, I know ours wouldn't allow extra blankets rolled up around her head, but some doctors may allow that.

    Good luck with the rest of your pregnancy. 




  • I had an IUGR baby at 34 weeks - she came home at just over 4lbs.  The hospital wouldn't let us use a Graco snug ride because it was rated for 5lbs.  We had to get the Chico Key fit, which can hold a baby as small as 4lbs.  For what its worth I had the Graco Snugride for DD#1 and now the Chico and I like the Chico so much better.  Installing the base is much easier then the Graco, so much so that we haven't had to get a second base because moving it has been such a snap.
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  • We had to get a new car seat.  We went with the Chicco Keyfit as well.   We sold our other carseat and both bases.  Gabe came home at 4lb 2oz. 
    Born at 31w3d due to severe IUGR & Placental Insufficiency--2lbs 3ounces

    We'll miss you sweet Debbie Girl (4.21.12) and sweet Cindy Girl (8.9.12)
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  • We have the Graco Snugride 30 and you are right, it is rated for 4+ lb.  I like the seat, we used the same model for DS (even though he was over 5 lb when we brought him home) and never had any complaints.  IMO, I didn't like the Chicco seat enough to spend the extra money on it.

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  • Ditto SWR&MSM, except my DD came home just under 4lbs. We returned our Chicco once she hit 5lbs and used our Graco. I prefer the Graco, myself. 

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  • Our car seat (baby trend) was for 5+ lbs and K came home at 4 lbs 8oz(I think? She was under 5 at the time) and they were going to go make me get another carseat. But they said they would let her take the carseat test in the seat we had. If she failed I would have to go get a different one.

    Luckily she passed and was 5 lbs within a week, so I am very glad I didn't have to go buy another carseat!

    Good Luck!!

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  • the chico keyfit 30 and the graco snugride 30 are, I think, the only ones out there that go down to 4lb. DD came home at 4lb6oz. We have the graco and like it.

    Call your hospital to check their policy on whether they will let you use towels.

    BFP #1 via IUI ~ L (Fatal Birth Defect) 4/7/10
    BFP #2 via IUI ~ m/c
    BFP #3 via cancelled IUI ~ C (2lb 3oz; HELLP) 5/16/11
    BFP #4 via the natural (free!) way ~ E (8lb 11oz) 9/13/12

  • Our hospital recommended the Chicco keyfit. I have it & love it- the big thing the nurses told us was that some under bitty babies were failing the carseat test in the Gracos b/c their head fell fwd and I read some reviews online along those lines too. The Chicco keeps their airway open and it's a great fit. S is 12 lbs now and I love it.
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  • Our ds came home at 3lb 12oz and we have the Chicco Keyfit 30. The NICU was able to use some extra receiving blankets for cushioning that is allowed.
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  • We had registered for and received the Graco Snugride 35s, and had to exchange them before our twins were discharged from the NICU.  Our DS was severe IUGR (birthweight of 2lbs 7oz at 33w6d).  He hadn't grown in 4 weeks, so they decided it was time to take him.

    They were originally talking about sending him home in a car-bed from the NICU, as they wouldn't carseat test him because he didn't meet the 4lb minimum. He was car-bed tested at 3lbs 9oz, and passed.  However, at the end of his NICU stay, he was just over 4lbs, so they carseat tested him in his new Chicco KeyFit 30, and he was allowed to go home in that, instead of the car-bed.  

    Good Luck with the remainder of your pregnancy!!! 

    Mr. & Mrs. ~ 09.08.07

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  • We also purchased the Chicco Keyfit.  My DD Kate was just at 4 pounds at discharge.  I loved all the extra padding the Chicco had.  She passed her carseat trial in it.  I wish I was better at uploading pics, so you could see the pic I have of her in it, when she was 4 lbs.

    TTC for 12 years. m/c 2009. BFP on New Year's 2010. Lilypie Second Birthday tickers
  • I'd go with the Keyfit.  Ultrasound weight estimates are often inaccurate, and you can't go wrong with the Chicco.  I had an IUGR baby at 35 wks - 3 lbs 12 ozs.  He came home at 39 wks 2 days and weighed about 4 lbs 13 ozs.  I love my Keyfit.

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  • I had the same problem with my Graco, you can try Walmart to return it to if it is one that they sell they will take it (at least thats what I was told at the time), sadly the Walmart I tried did not sell the model I had and I did not want to be going from store to store with a travel system in tow. I however sold it on Craigslist. Since my baby was early I was still able to add the Chicco Keyfit to my registry and got it at my shower.
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