Cloth Diapering

Newbie - Where can I learn about CD?

Total newbie here.  I've been thinking about using CD but I feel TOTALLY overwhelmed by everything.  Just looking through the CD board leaves my head spinning with all the options.  I saw that I can order a CD trial from various sites, which I will probably do.

My main question then is: Can you ladies recommend any good websites or books that I could read about using CD to become more informed?  I feel totally lost. 


Katie BFP #1 03.03.11 - natural m/c 03.22.11 BFP #2 05.11.11 - DS born 1.20.12 BFP #3 02.21.13 - EDD 11.04.13

Re: Newbie - Where can I learn about CD?

  • Please read the FAQs found at the top of the board (in the green section).  That should give you a good overview to start.
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