Birthing Ball tips


I usually just lurk, but I'm hoping for a VBAC for DS2 in the coming weeks.  I bought a birthing ball and have heard people mention that I should sit on it now to help encourage baby to descend, but I'm not sure if I need to sit in a special position.

Also, should I bounce or just sit?  Any tips would be appreciated, thanks!

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Re: Birthing Ball tips

  • Just sitting helps the baby descend but you can bounce or hula hoop or rock back and forth.  :)
  • I'm sitting on mine right now!!


    Haha, I do a mix of a couple of things.  I do the hula hoop motion, roll my hips around in a circle, basically.  I bounce up and down.  I also go back and forth.


    I don't know if I'm doing it right, but I do know that baby is at 0 station right now, so I'm thinking the ball might have helped (that, and walking about a million miles).

    Mama to Elliot (11.09.08) and Jude (09.01.11)
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  • I sat on mine at the kitchen table while we ate, rocked on it, bounced, whatever felt comfortable.  I did make the mistake of getting one that was a bit too big, but once I got a smaller one it was more accurate for my height and felt so good to sit on!
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