
TTC #2?

I am trying to chart using Fertility Friend, like I did for DD and I feel like it is impossible since I am not sleeping straight through the night.

Anyone else in this boat?  I feel like I am going crazy...

Re: TTC #2?

  • I was the same way but I still took my temp each morning at the same time and, though some temps would be way off, I was generally able to get a coverline with the help of other signs (CM, etc.).  And I was sleeping through the night the majority of the time (DS only got up occasionally at that point).
    Debbie - Mommy to Clayton William 5-3-05, Laurian Lynn 3-6-08
  • DS has always been a crappy sleeper, so I never got a full night.

    I tracked CM and position. Got pg on the second month trying.

    AKA KnittyB*tch
    DS - December 2006
    DD - December 2008

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  • I charted with temps while TTC #1, but with #2 I just paid attention to fertility signs, of course I remembered around when I O'd with #1 and used OPKs. Got pregnant first try.
  • That is the reason I didnt chart when we decided to start ttc #2.  I just watched my cm and used OPK. 


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