
Has your DC had a cavity filled?

How'd it go? 

DS#1 (5) has to get a cavity in one of his molars filled tomorrow morning. I've never had one, so I don't know how uncomfortable/painful it is. He knows about it, but doesn't seem to be dwelling on it today. I have a feeling when it's time to get in the car tomorrow morning it will be another story, though. Any tips to help him get through it?

Meanwhile, I snipped DS#2's paci this afternoon before nap. He kept yelling, "It's cracked Momma! It's cracked!" And never napped. We'll see how bedtime goes tonight.


Re: Has your DC had a cavity filled?

  • My oldest had one filled last year.  It was fine.  He didn't cry or get upset.  He was a trooper.  We were very open with him about what was going to happen, so he wasn't surprised.  
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  • DD did amazing when she had to have two done. They put in a movie and never moved once.
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  • We had no problems when DD had to have one filled.  

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  • DD had one filled when she was 5 and she handled it so well.  I was definitely more nervous than she was.  But she's really into medical stuff though.  Surprising since she's been my problem child with surgeries and broken things.

    I didn't dwell on it with her, just kept it no big deal, it happens, you gotta get it fixed, just a pinch and some noise... she handled it really well, better than I would have (I've never had a cavity).

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