
S/O earthquakes - creating a will

I'm in Western New York and we definitely felt that 5.9 earthquake in Virginia. We also felt the one a few months (a year?) ago from Canada. More than I'm used to!

Anyway, who has written up a will? I've never had a will, and my husband and I don't have a set of wishes should something happen to both of us (he doesn't have a will, either). How hard is it to do?

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Re: S/O earthquakes - creating a will

  • I felt the earthquake in Maryland--everything was shaking like crazy, but no apparent damage.

    My husband and I have wanted to do a will for a long time, but haven't done it yet. We certainly need to do it before the twins arrive! We did, however, write down our wishes for what would happen to our son in the event that neither of us could take care of him, and we signed that and stuck it somewhere it would be found if people were looking for important papers. I'm sure it wouldn't hold up in court, but at least it's a start.

    I'm looking forward to others' experiences with creating a will.

    DS1 10/09 Twins! 2/12
  • We do have their godparents picked out (and they've agreed). I know that traditionally the godparents would be responsible for raising the children (or at least this is always what I've been lead to believe), but isn't necessarily the way it goes now. I don't even know what we'd want, honestly. We need to think about this.
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  • We set up our wills a couple of months before the girls were born.  The most important part for me was establishing guardianship if anything happened to me and DH.  I'm fortunate that I work at a law firm and one of the perks is to have an estate planning lawyer prepare all of the documents.  We did wills, a trust, and powers of attorney/living wills.
  • My work has a legal service as part of our benefits. I should see if this kind of thing is included in that.
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  • We have old outdated ones from before our son was born. We need to do ours here very soon. My DH is in the military so they do them for us but have not had the time or thought to do them. I want at least mine done before time babies come cause never know what can happen.
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  • We had wills done shortly after our guys were born, mostly to establish guardianship.  It wasn't hard to do, I believe DH found a place online that sends out the paperwork & we had to have a bunch of things notarized & copies made & sent out etc.  I wouldn't say it was a quick & easy process but nothing too difficult. 
    BFP 4/22/09, Missed M/C on 6/9, D & C on 6/11 @ 11wks- trisomy 16 BFP 11/19/09 -CP 11/23/09 BFP 1/16/2010- m/c 1/29/2010, low progesterone BFP 6/13/2010 = twins!!! Lilypie First Birthday tickers</a
  • Interesting that you posted this-- it was one of the first things I thought about as I was on my way from work to daycare to check on the kids (we were all in MD just outside of DC). We paid a lawyer to do it at the same time as our second-parent adoption, but we haven't finished the paperwork yet so we have nothing in place right now. We will definitely be getting on it!

    Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

  • Your post totally reminded me that DH and I need to do this!!  We keep talking about it and we haven't gotten around to it.  So bad....we need to get it done.
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