Pregnant after 35

first post - amnio

Hi everyone.  I've been lurking on here for a few weeks, trying to educate myself since I'm completely clueless when it comes to being pg.  This board seems to be full of knowledgeable women so here goes.  I'm 36, pg with first and going for an amnio on Thursday because I screened positive (1 in 80) for Down's.  It's giving me a lot of anxiety mostly because I hate needles.  Can anyone with amnio experience, please tell me what it's like.  I'm hoping it's not that bad and I'm overreacting. 
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Re: first post - amnio

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    Unfortunately, I can't give you any insight into the amnio since I didn't have one.  I am also 36 and screened positive for Down's (1:99).  I decided to wait for my anatomy scan to decide whether or not to do the amnio.  When there weren't any markers present indicating Down's, I decided against doing the amnio.  I just wanted to wish you luck and I understand your worry!  I vowed that if I have a second child, I will NOT have the NT scan again!  Too many false positives with that test and it truly caused me so much grief!  I'm sure everything is ok with your baby.  Keep us posted.
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    With my first child the AFP test came back a little off and I decided against an amnio because I was scared and I basically didn't have the information. Everything was fine and he's now 21 years old. My littlest one was a different story in that I was older and so I was given an appointment with a wonderful woman who went over every last detail that included the efficacy rates of all tests and their potential problems. What I brought with me to that appointment was apprehension about the procedure itself and walked away with no worries and an appointment to have it done. My advise would be to talk to a geneticist before going so that you too can have all your questions answered. If there isn't time for that then do not be worried about taking the doctor's time, ask them until you feel comfortable with the procedure. Mine went well and the results were accurate. I hope all goes well for you :)
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Katherine Experienced Mom
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    Thanks for the words of encouragement, ladies.  I guess I should write a list of my concerns/questions and ask them before the procedure gets started.  We want to know definitively if this baby has a genetic issue so not doing the amnio isn't really an option for us.  I just need to get over my fear and anxiety of the procedure, particularly the needle - I'm one of those people who gets squeamish seeing needles administered on tv.  I realize my odds are still very good to get a good result, I'm just one of those people that needs to know and understand what's happening every step of the way.
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    I have had two amnios done -- one for my son's pregnancy and one for my current pregnancy.  Let me tell you, the anxiety leading up to getting the amnio is the worst part.  The procedure itself is not very painful:  

    You will lie on a table and the doctor will do an ultrasound to see exactly where the baby is (this is his way of knowing that he doesn't come close to the baby when he inserts the needle).  Look at it as another opportunity to see your baby on a monitor.  He will then tell you that he is going to insert a very thin needle into your abdomen (BTW I didn't even feel the insertion this time).  It takes about 60 seconds for him to get the fluid he needs and then your all done.  I had a tiny cramp during the fluid process -- but it was small and expected.  My advice is to just close your eyes and practice slow breathing if you are fearful of needles.

    Then for the rest of the day you will be advised to be on rest.  You can sit up or lie down, but they don't want you doing any cooking or cleaning (it's a nice excuse to order take-out) and watch some movies.  

    I have Kaiser, so the amnio doctor was assigned both times.  I inquired about their experience, and I was told that only doctors who are super specialized and trained perform this procedure.  The two week wait is the hardest part -- but once you get your phone call saying things are developing normally, you will be able to relax for the rest of your pregnancy.  BTW, I am 40 years old and my risk of having a baby with Down's was something like 1:40 based on my age.  Keep reminding yourself that there is greater than a 98% chance that everything is fine...  In my case, both times, I got great news on the telephone.  You will also be asked if you want to know the baby's sex and it will be with 100% accuracy.

    Best of luck to you... 

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