Alabama Babies


Hey y'all! 

I'm posting because I'm freaking out a little! I'm 7.5 weeks along and I've been spotting now since Saturday morning. I called the nurse's line, and she said that as long as it is brown blood it should be fine. With the exception of one redder spot, it has stayed brown. I have had very little cramping. Has anyone else had this experience? I have an ultrasound Friday, and I'm hoping I'll feel better after that. I am just so terrified of losing this baby! To make matters worse, I'm a nurse so I know all of the billion things that can go wrong. I know a lot of women spot during pregnancy, but I guess I just need some reassurance from some real people!  

Re: Spotting...

  • Try not to jump to conclusions. Often, it's nothing, or it's something minor. Wait until the situation warrants it to think about other possibilities..that's easier said than done, but still..

    When I was 17 weeks along with my son, I had spotting for a few days. Given that I was well into the 2nd trimester, I was pretty worried.  I ended up getting an ultrasound, which showed I had a small blood clot on the placenta that had probably been there since it formed. It went away all on its own within 3 weeks, and I had more issues from then on. 

    Lilypie Second Birthday tickers
  • I spotted when I was in my first tri. It was always brown like she said. Try not to worry. (I know that is easier said than done.) If you have real concerns call the doctor back and tell them that you would like to come in. Usually they are really good about stuff like that. Good luck!
    Erin~N~Gregg 6/30/07 Project 365 imageCafeMom Tickers
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  • I hope everything turns out ok.  I spotted with my daughter when I was about 7 weeks along - it was brown and very light.  Having lost a pregnancy before my daughter, I was very freaked out.  Take it easy, drink lots of water, rest up. 

     good luck!  

  • Hope you are feeling better! I started spotting at 13.5 weeks and it has happened about once a week for me ever since then (I'm now 28 weeks!). Docs have not been able to find anything wrong and my baby is doing just fine. Some women are just spotters. It is a truly terrifying experience but know that it does not always mean that something is wrong. Hang in there and I pray that you get some great news at your doctor's visit tomorrow!
    Baby Birthday Ticker Tickerimage
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