
How about this dumb comment?!?!

I was recently shopping at Wal-Mart and the checker asked me when the baby was due.  I told her I was having two babies in another month.  End of conversation, right?  No.  She then asked me if we were going to be "done" after this.  I probably shouldn't have answered her but I did, thinking it would end the conversation and she'd finish bagging my purchases.  Imagine my surprise when she next asks me who is going to have the procedure.  What?!?!  She saw my surprised look and specified by saying "you know, is your husband getting snipped or will you get your tubes tied?"

 Hello?!?!  Who asks that of a complete stranger?


Our beautiful daughter Lauren was born January 14, 2008! Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Pregnancy tickers

Re: How about this dumb comment?!?!

  • People just don't have any tact!  What does she care if you have another child?  What does she care if you guys have an operation, or use condoms the rest of your lives! 

    I had a lady once ask me if I had a "vaginal birth or csection?"  Really, what difference does it make how I delivered my children?

    -- Jackie
    "If we couldn't laugh we would all go insane" -- Jimmy Buffett Lilypie Second Birthday tickers
  • Some people just have no filter.

    I had a cashier a WalMart look at me, then look at my son (who was ~18 mos at the time) and say "Oh no, I hope you aren't" when I was purchasing digital pregnancy tests after I had a positive pregnancy test at home ..... umm, yes lady we have been trying for 9 mos and have gone through a miscarriage, so "yes, I hope I am".....but just rolled my eyes, paid for my stash and walked out.

    People so just irk me sometime!

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  • I swear, some people are just socially inept.
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  • The "oh, so you're done now" comments drive me and DH crazy.  We have b/g twins, and we get this all.the.time.  Everyone comes up to us and says, "oh, a boy and a girl.  How perfect.  Now you're done."  Um... thank you, total stranger, for making that enormous decision for us!  We also hate the implication that if we had two girls or two boys our family would somehow be lacking and we'd need to keep having babies until we reached some gender-balanced ideal.  I am forever amazed by what people think is appropriate to say to total strangers.

    Oh, and to PP, when I was pregnant, I had a male partner at my law firm ask me in an elevator if I'd be having a "natural delivery" or not.  It was super awkward.

    Lilypie Second Birthday tickers
  • imageApril320:

    Oh, and to PP, when I was pregnant, I had a male partner at my law firm ask me in an elevator if I'd be having a "natural delivery" or not.  It was super awkward.

    Oh yeah, I had one of the male radiologists I work with (who is like in his 60's) go on and on about how I needed to wait until I was at least 8 cm dilated before I get the epidural Indifferent.  I told my OB this and she just laughed and said that I should have told him that when he has to push 2 babies out he could decide when he wanted his epidural.

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  • Cashiers need to learn when to stop talking.  I had one the other day ask me when I was due.  When I told her December, her eyes got all wide and she stares down at my bump and says, "Have you got more than one in there?"  And I just curtly said, "Actually, yes.  I do."  But what if I didn't?  Why do people feel they can make comments about pregnant women's bodies, when it would be considered rude to do so for a woman who wasn't pregnant?  I just don't get it.

    TTC since 5/10
    Dx: PCOS 12/10
    IUI #1 (2/11/11): Metformin + Clomid + Ovidrel = BFN
    IUI #2 (3/13/11): Metformin + Gonal-F + Ovidrel = BFP
    Beta #1 (15dpo) 460, Beta #2 (17dpo) 829, Beta #3 (19dpo) 1550 u/s #1 (4/12/11): Twins!

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  • I posted this in response to another thread recently, but I was CVS recently and the cashier told me I was "ready to pop" and I told her not until November and she said, "oh, not twins?!" In a panicked voice. I said, yes, twins. And left it at that. I was kind of short about it. I agree with the pp that it sucks that people think they can comment about a woman's body when they're pregnant. If it's not socially acceptable when I'm not pregnant, I'm not going to think it's ok now.

    When people at work ask me (some tell me) about whether I'll get a c-section, I start using words like "cervix" and "vagina" and they tend to not have much response. Sometimes all it takes is a well-timed "placenta." They really don't want to know. They just think that all twins are born via c-section (or that all twins should be born via c-section). 


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  • I guess people always assume that 2 kids is ideal.  I have b/g twins and everyone says "Oh perfect, you got both out of the way, now your done".  I actually want 4 kids, and I want to get pregnant again (not for a year though). 


    Don't let the comments bother you that much, someone's always going to say something.

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  • Yeah... we "lucked" out and have a 3 year old boy and now GGB triplets. So yeah, we are done. But not because of the sexes, but because we have 4 kids! Even if we had BBB triplets, we'd be done. At this point, part of me wants to have a 5th just to get people to stop commenting on how perfectly balanced our family is! ;)
    ~*~ Nikki ~*~ DS born 2/18/08! TTC #2 since 01/2009 11/01 Round #5 Clomid 100 mg, IUI 11/14, at 10dpiui 11/26 Beta:12dpiui 114 11/29 Beta:15dpiui 755 1/9/10 First U/S: TRIPLETS! 6/20/11 And then there were six... Lilypie Premature Baby tickers
  • I get that one a lot. Since I have two boys, I get asked if I am going to try again for a girl. *Sigh*
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