Cloth Diapering

wool for overnight

What do you use in the wool covers for overnight? Do I just put in a prefold and insert? Is hemp best? I'm new to the wool thing and not sure how to use it now that it's here! TIA!

Re: wool for overnight

  • We usually use wool with a fitted overnight. You can use a prefold with a hemp doubler for sure though. The best way to figure it out is just to try. If the wool gets too damp with the prefold, you'll have leaks, then you can move on to extra inserts or fitteds.
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  • So using a doubler with a fitted or pf, is their skin wet in the morning or does it do a good job keeping them dry? Ds gets really red if his skin is wet for too long, and he can be a marathon sleeper sometimes.
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  • We use a thick fitted (GM, B4, Happy Hempy) or a double stuffed BG pocket (with microfiber/hemp combo). I use the wool over the pocket dipe just in case there are gap leaks since it's stuffed to thickly. When our fitteds are stinky and I need to adjust the wash, I'll use pockets for a few nights so I can get all the fitteds clean at the same time.
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  • imagemaramarrie:
    We use a thick fitted (GM, B4, Happy Hempy) or a double stuffed BG pocket (with microfiber/hemp combo). I use the wool over the pocket dipe just in case there are gap leaks since it's stuffed to thickly. When our fitteds are stinky and I need to adjust the wash, I'll use pockets for a few nights so I can get all the fitteds clean at the same time.

    So when you use a thick fitted you don't use a doubler at all? What I ended up putting him in was a GMD workhorse fitted diaper with a gDiaper cloth insert, which is fleece with a hemp or bamboo backing, can't remember. The wool seemed a little loose in the thighs but I guess I'll see in the morning if it held up...or if he wakes up wet tonight.

  • imageBluescarf:
    So using a doubler with a fitted or pf, is their skin wet in the morning or does it do a good job keeping them dry? Ds gets really red if his skin is wet for too long, and he can be a marathon sleeper sometimes.

    If you get a doubler topped with microfleece then it should keep him feeling dry, but a regular hemp or cotton doubler will not wick moisture away from the skin. For overnights we always use a microfleece topped hemp doubler. For naps we usually just lay a microfleece liner in the fitted diaper. If you're little guy is sensitive to wetness I suggest using the stay-dry microfleece in some way.

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  • imagemonona9:

    So using a doubler with a fitted or pf, is their skin wet in the morning or does it do a good job keeping them dry? Ds gets really red if his skin is wet for too long, and he can be a marathon sleeper sometimes.

    If you get a doubler topped with microfleece then it should keep him feeling dry, but a regular hemp or cotton doubler will not wick moisture away from the skin. For overnights we always use a microfleece topped hemp doubler. For naps we usually just lay a microfleece liner in the fitted diaper. If you're little guy is sensitive to wetness I suggest using the stay-dry microfleece in some way.

    We cut fleece liners and use those inside the fitteds to keep her dry, but with our overnight fitteds we don't need a doubler of any kind. I would never consider a GMD workhorse for overnight unless I used a doubler; but a GM or B4 is more absorbent than a GMD workhorse.

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