North Carolina Babies

Raleigh area schools

Possible move to Raleigh.  We are basing where we live on the best schools.  We have two little ones. What areas are good?

Re: Raleigh area schools

  • It depends on your idea of "good".  Visit and look up Wake County schools.  The biggest issue is really that they re-draw the assignments every 2 to 3 years so while you might move to a neighborhood now that's assigned to a "good" school, in the next year or two your neighborhood could be re-assigned to a different school that's not as "good."  I know they are going to be implementing a new assignment plan next school year.  Best of luck!
  • imageunc_pirate:
    It depends on your idea of "good".  Visit and look up Wake County schools.  The biggest issue is really that they re-draw the assignments every 2 to 3 years so while you might move to a neighborhood now that's assigned to a "good" school, in the next year or two your neighborhood could be re-assigned to a different school that's not as "good."  I know they are going to be implementing a new assignment plan next school year.  Best of luck!

    Ditto! They constantly re-draw the lines, new schools get built, etc. For example, my parents have lived in the same house for a long time, but my brother & I went to different high schools (4yrs apart) - both established, just redistricted. I'd find an area you want to live that has several "good" options around in case you redistricted. 

    In general, Wake County has "good" schools in many areas of the county. I'd think about where the job may be and what the commute could possibly be like, then look around for schools b/c there are a lot of good options.

    Also, Wake County has lots of options for the both the traditional & year round calendar, so that's another factor to consider for your family.

    It looks like you are not anywhere close by and would probably like specifics, so I'd highly recommend the 27613 zip code - hard to go wrong there. 

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  • As PP said it depends on what you consider "good" as far as schooling goes. Personally, I have serious concerns about Wake Co. schools, but that is just me. Not so much elementary schools but middle/high school that I question. That being said, the closer you live to the actual school you'd like your children to go to the less likely you'll be reassigned. For example I live in North Ridge and basically within my physical neighborhood there is North Ridge elementary, there is very little chance that my child if I ended up sending him to public school would go anywhere else.
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