Let me start out by saying that my twins aren't even here yet - so I really don't have a specific situation in mind. I have a Volkswagen Passat wagon, and my car is going to be our primary "kids" car. Other (singleton) parents I know will sometimes have a parent ride in the back with the baby on longer car trips. With two car seats and no extra row of seating, that's obviously not possible. Has anyone in this same situation had problems / no problems with NOT riding in back with the babies?
I'm not particularly worried at this point, but I am curious what works or didn't really work out.
Re: Longer car trips with twins - no third row of seating
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Thanks everyone! It's good to realize that (1) it may not even be necessary and (2) it's not totally impossible.
I guess we'll just play it by ear! Isn't that the whole deal with multiples? You do what you do because you have to, and everything seems to work out ok.
If they are both screaming in the car, I'll jump in the back in between them and try to soothe while DH is driving.
With that said we're in the market for a car with 3rd row seating. It'd be nice to be able to take 2 additional people in our car every now and then.
We have taken multiple road trips with the twins, but we never sit in the back with them. We actually DO have a 3rd row and occassionally my mom will sit back there, every time she does the kids get cranky.
My tips:
DVD player!
Kids CD's, mine loved kindermusic classes and you get a CD for each class, when they were cranky in the car this would buy me at least 30 more minutes...or just put them to sleep.
I put a bunch of toys in a pillow case in the front seat with us and we can pass them a new toy/book whenever we need to