
18 mo twins + newborn stroller help- valco?

I'm trying to plan ahead for when #3 arrives. Does anybody know if you can use the Valco with a car seat adaptor (for #3) AND the toddler extension seat (twin #1) while twin 2 sits comfortably in the other stroller seat? I know "wearing the baby" is an option but I want a stroller option too.

Re: 18 mo twins + newborn stroller help- valco?

  • Weird. I am MagPie but logged in from my phone and now it's showing me as MrsMagPie. With two posts. Oh Bump. You are crazy.
  • I have the Valco with the toddler seat, and you can only use one or the other. But, the seats on the Valco totally recline, so you can use a snuzzler (one of those head/neck supports) and recline the seat and put the baby in the seat and one twin in a seat and the other in the toddler seat.
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  • If you are talking about the valco trimode twin, couldn't you use that stroller with the 3rd joey seat and put newborn fully reclined in 1 seat, twin 1 in the other and twin 2 in the jump seat? Or are you really wanting the option to use the car seat in the stroller?  
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  • I guess I really want a triple option that work w/a car seat, but then could also be used without one after baby #3 grows out of it. Does this exist, or only in my mind? 

    Where's our resident stroller expert when I need her? Goldie, weigh in when you can. :)  

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  • I am in the exact same situation. I ended up getting a Peg Perego Triplette and car seat that goes with it off craigslist. I've heard it's a pain to maneuver, but I think it's worth it to be able to get out with all three (without having to wear anyone). I decided against the Valco because you can't keep the newborn in a car seat with that option. Taking all 3 out of car seats every time we go anywhere would take me forever. Also, once the twins are out of the stroller, I plan on selling the Triplette and getting my money back- I got it for $400(a steal as they usually go for more) and know I can re-sell it for the same amount (assuming my kids don't destroy it) since I live in a big city.
  • It just dawned on me that triplet moms deal with this every day.

    Either push a limo-sized snap and go, or unbuckle and rebuckle three kids anytime you go anywhere.

    Mad props, Triplet MoMs. 

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  • I just posted a new post about this... see the top of the page.  I have an Aria 60/40 twin stroller (that you can put a car seat in) and then bought a buggy board for one to stand in the back.  Hope this helps.
  • Thanks- it's a good idea but at only 1.5 yrs old, the twins would be too young to only have stand option.
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