I'm trying to plan ahead for when #3 arrives. Does anybody know if you can use the Valco with a car seat adaptor (for #3) AND the toddler extension seat (twin #1) while twin 2 sits comfortably in the other stroller seat?
I know "wearing the baby" is an option but I want a stroller option too.
Re: 18 mo twins + newborn stroller help- valco?
"Just keep swimming, just keep swimming..."
I guess I really want a triple option that work w/a car seat, but then could also be used without one after baby #3 grows out of it. Does this exist, or only in my mind?
Where's our resident stroller expert when I need her? Goldie, weigh in when you can.
It just dawned on me that triplet moms deal with this every day.
Either push a limo-sized snap and go, or unbuckle and rebuckle three kids anytime you go anywhere.
Mad props, Triplet MoMs.