My boys are 9 mo actual and 7 adjusted. One is crawling, sitting up unassisted and starting to pull up to his knees. The other sits assisted w boppy. They both fall back w no attempt to catch themselves. I hate to be one of those people, but is that normal? We have a bunch of bumped heads around here and it seems like all I do is spend my day trying to catch falling babies. They also love to be near each other so more bumps there. We so go for PT evals tomorrow so I will address all of my concerns there. Thanks and I hope everyone is having a nice Monday!
Wonderful daughter born 10/99. Diagnosed autistic/ epileptic. Non- verbal. /////Twins! Born 11/10 @ 29 weeks. 71/2 week NICU stay! Bring on the fun!
Re: Sitting, crawling, pulling up ?
I would say normal! My boys were 37 weekers... and Harry started crawling right before his 8 month and Alex didn't crawl until after 9 months. I would say it was around 7/8 months that they were sitting "confidently".
4 Fresh IVF cycles + 1 FET where embies didn't survive the thaw = 2 perfect little men!
sFET 11/9/11 - Beta 11/18 BFP!
Sounds normal to me.
My girls were sitting unassisted at 7 months and started crawling around 8 months (I think...I'm HORRIBLE at remembering milestone dates- I usually have to check older posts). The minute they started crawling, they started to pull up.
I was just stressing over these things this weekend. Mine are 8+ months (7+ adjusted) and aren't sitting up or crawling yet. They can sorta sit with a boppy, but fall over quickly. We have to sit there with them. And as for crawling, they scoot backwards and roll everywhere.
How do you help them learn these things? I'm more interested in them learning to sit up so they can play with more toys ..