Eco-Friendly Family

2 questions...

I lurk over here, but never posted! What do you guys use in place of paper towels? And also is there a way to make homemade liquid hand soap? How about dish soap? Thanks!
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Re: 2 questions...

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    For paper towels, I use a mixture of flannel wipes that I ordered from etsy and microfiber towels that I bought 2 for 1 out of the dollar bin at Target.  The microfiber towels clean up anything!  I Haven't made my own soaps, but I'm curious to see the responses.
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    For paper towels I use cleaning rags - a mixture of old T-shirts that have been cut up, old hand towels, old burp cloths, etc.  I also have a basket of cloth napkins that I tend to grab for when I need to wipe up a quick spill.
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    I use cheapo Gerber flats or cheapo hand towels (start of school is a GREAT time to get cheap towels at target!) and for hand soap I use a squirt of Dr Bronner's mixed with water in an old foam soap container. Dish soap is Dawn, because you're gonna need it to strip diapers anyway.
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