Pregnant after 35

bleeding and test getting darker

Hi, Im 36 and pregnant with my 3rd child (2 girls 16 and 13) but my husband's first child.

I started clomid on my last cycle, so this was my 2nd cycle on clomid 50 mg days 5-9.  Well on the 18th I hadnt started so I tested and got a faint line on an answer test.   About an hour later I started bleeding so I went to my doctor's office (but he was in surgery all day) so I went to the ER and they did a quantive (their urine test came back negative) and the blood test was 19.  The next day I did another quantive beta and the number was 39 and progestrone was 10.  My doctor said these numbers were really low but to come back Monday for another beta.  I started progestrone friday night.

Well I have been testing every morning about the same time and my test have been getting darker.    I have had 2 m/c so I am really terrified but with the first 2 m/c my test never got darker but only light.  Today's test is actually as dark as the control line...

Im really terrified and just not sure what to expect... is the test getting darker a good sign? or am I just reading to much into it?


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Re: bleeding and test getting darker

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    I completely understand why you would be nervous.  I too had a miscarriage and everything after that experience scares the crap out of you.

    I wouldn't concern myself with the test getting darker it could make you go crazy.  The great sign is that your Betas continue to rise.  You are probably just in the very early stages of pregnancy hence the low numbers but as long as they continue to double you are golden. 

    It is easier said than done but try and take it one day at a time and for right now you are pregnant so enjoy these beginning moments :) .    Best of luck on Monday I will be sending positive thoughts your way!!!!! 

    Good Luck!!!

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    My tests never got darker - I must have taken a zillion of them. I agree with PP, just enjoy these first few moments and hours and try not to worry unless you know there is something to worry about.

    I know, easier said than done.

    Good luck.  I'm sending good thougths your way.

    ~Married 11/08~
    ~TTC since 01/09~
    ~SA & B/W - 06/09 - Normal~
    ~Encouraged by OB to "just keep trying" 06/09 - 06/10 (oh, the wasted time)~
    ~HSG - 08/10 - Clear/Normal~
    ~Lapo - 01/11 - Normal~
    ~Clomid 50mg, Trigger shot, Prometrium - 01/11, 02/11, 03/11~
    ~BFN - 02/11~
    ~IUI #1 03/15/11~
    BFP 3/28/2011
    Diagnosed with GD at 28 weeks. Controlled through diet and exercise. No insulin.
    Diagnosed with Cholestasis of pregnancy @ 36 weeks.
    Delivered via C-section @ 36 weeks on 11/9/11.

    TTC#2 for a few months naturally (ha!)
    ~IUI#1, Clomid, Trigger,  10/13 - BFN
    ~IUI#2, Femera, Ovidrel, 11/13


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    Just an update.   I had my beta done on monday and tuesday afternoon (after waiting allll day long) they called back.   My beta on monday was 209, progestrone 13.   My doctor said these are still really low numbers and I go back for another draw tomorrow and probably wont get the results til sometime monday.

     The doubling time for the first set was 23 hours, the 2nd set was 26 hours. 

     Im really trying to stay positive,  I have really sore boobs, nausea off and on, lots of bloating (especially at night which makes getting comfortable to sleep hard as Im a stomach sleeper).

    Im still not out of the woods but this is the highest I have ever had beta numbers...

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