Baby Names

Critique my short list

LO #2 won't be baking for awhile, but I'm bored. Tell me what you think of our short list. DS is Linus Matthew.

At the top of the list for boys right now is Abraham and Samson. DS was almost Milo, so thats still a fav as well. We also really like Henry, but feel like maybe thats too 'normal' with a brother named Linus? Middle name would be Michael or Smith (my maiden name).

If DS was a girl, he would have been Ivy Lucille. Up at the top of the girl list with Ivy is Eleanor (nn Nora(h)), and I've been trying to sell DH on Edith (nn Edie). Middle name to be determined.

What say you? What goes best with DS's name? Give it to me straight. :)

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Re: Critique my short list

  • imagebaconface:

    I actually kind of love the combo of a slightly funkier name (Linus) with a more "normal" name (Henry). And while Henry is old-school, it's not like it is Michael and you hear it on every other kid. I think Henry and Linus are a perfect combo. Sometimes I think 2 overly funky names sounds kind of overdone.

    I am not a huge fan of Samson and Abraham, though I do love the older Biblical names in general. Others from this genre that I like are: Jonah, Eli, Ezra (my fave), Isaac.

    Girls - I have never liked Ivy. I don't know why. For some reason it sounds trailer-trashy to me. It probably isn't - maybe it was just someone I knew with that name or something. I love Lucille, though (Lucille Ivy?). LOVE LOVE LOVE Eleanor. And Edith (Edie) is cute.  Lucille and Linus probably sounds too cutesy, though. Nora and Linus sounds cute. Edie and Linus sounds so cute I want to eat them up. :) 

    Yeah we actually really like Lucille/Lucy as a first name, but won't use it now due to the Peanuts connection. (Linus and Lucy were brother/sister in the comic strip). As it is, people think we are huge Peanuts fans or something, so that would definitely put it over the top. ;)

    Thanks for the feedback!

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  • I like Henry, and think it sounds great with Linus.

    I don't like the name Ivy, and do not think it sounds good with Linus. What about Evelyn with the nn Evie. Evie and Linus sounds cute!

    Our first baby girl, Lucia Joy, joined us on April 1, 2010!
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  • I love Milo! I'm not a fan of Abraham or Samson.

    Lucille is actually my favorite girl name on your list, though I'm assuming it is not an option in the first name slot. Otherwise Eleanor and Edith are nice. I don't care for Ivy.

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    Logan David 03.27.08
    Jacob Riley 05.18.09
    {Member since 2007}
  • LOVE Abraham nn Abe ! My cousin is named this and he's 5, his brother's name is Solomon (10). 

    Dislike Samson and Henry with Linus not sure why.

    LOVE Eleanor(a) but Lucille and Edith and Ivy are nms. What about Eden ? That one is on our list. GL!

       B.R.C. 5/08-- N.R.C. 5/10--S.R.C. 3/14
  • I think that Henry and Linus go great together! I also really like Samson. Your girl names are NMS
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  • imageeitaknna9:

    I like Henry, and think it sounds great with Linus.

    I don't like the name Ivy, and do not think it sounds good with Linus. What about Evelyn with the nn Evie. Evie and Linus sounds cute!

    We had Evie (as a full name) on our list before we changed it to Ivy. MIL is Evelyn, and while I love her dearly, I don't want to use her name. That is ultimately why we changed Evie, because I felt it was too close to MIL's  name. But you've pegged my taste, because I do like Evelyn/Evie quite a bit.

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  • I love Ivy and Edith! They were on my long list. I'm not a fan of any of the boys names. Linus is a really cool name and I don't think they measure up.
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  • milo smith


  • <3 Milo

    Samson and Linus are my 2nd votes. =] 

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  • Well, DS is Linus Henry, so I think they sound great together LOL! Milo was actually on our short list for DS2 also!I personally don't care for Abraham or Samson, but if you have religious reasons that mean more that's understandable. I like all 3 girl names
    photo newsig2_zps17ef14af.jpg
  • Oh yeah, not Lucille... just saw that. I've heard so many jokes about "if you have a girl next you can name her Lucy"
    photo newsig2_zps17ef14af.jpg
  • Henry--LOVE


    Milo--too cutesy




    Ivy--nms, makes me think of Poison Ivy from Batman (maybe that's because I wound up in a discussion about the comics this evening, though . . . ask me tomorrow and I might adore Ivy)

  • imagebiblionerd:
    Well, DS is Linus Henry, so I think they sound great together LOL! Milo was actually on our short list for DS2 also!I personally don't care for Abraham or Samson, but if you have religious reasons that mean more that's understandable. I like all 3 girl names

    Another Linus, yay! I love seeing that DS won't be the only kid in the country with the most awesome name ever. ;)

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  • I really love Samson and Abraham (my favorite is Abram), but I have a problem with the nicknames. They're both fine-- Sam and Abe, but they will become their names, and you'll be the mom saying "Abraham..." while their friends look around wondering who you're talking to. I really like Milo.

    Ivy is one of my favorite names ever. I also like Eleanor (Nora). If you're happy with the nicknames, I think they're all great choices. 

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  • imageBlindysWife:

    Well, DS is Linus Henry, so I think they sound great together LOL! Milo was actually on our short list for DS2 also!I personally don't care for Abraham or Samson, but if you have religious reasons that mean more that's understandable. I like all 3 girl names

    Another Linus, yay! I love seeing that DS won't be the only kid in the country with the most awesome name ever. ;)

    Yay! I sadly think it might start to catch on. I like him being different. :) It seems the majority of people that here it really like it. I remember on the boards when the only Linus I ever saw was the lady with the 3 triplets- oliver, miles, and linus. I've seen at least 3 more I think since. It better not get too popular! Then again, it's never even made the SSA name list radar so it might take a while.
    photo newsig2_zps17ef14af.jpg
  • LOVE Linus! so cute
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  • Henry and Linus are actually what we plan on naming our first two boys :)

    I'm not really crazy about Abraham, but I like Samson and LOVE Milo.  Out of your girl names, Eleanor is my favorite.  Ivy's cute, but Edith is NMS (love the nn Edie though!) 

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  • I like Abraham and Ivy best
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  • imagebiblionerd:

    Well, DS is Linus Henry, so I think they sound great together LOL! Milo was actually on our short list for DS2 also!I personally don't care for Abraham or Samson, but if you have religious reasons that mean more that's understandable. I like all 3 girl names

    Another Linus, yay! I love seeing that DS won't be the only kid in the country with the most awesome name ever. ;)

    Yay! I sadly think it might start to catch on. I like him being different. :) It seems the majority of people that here it really like it. I remember on the boards when the only Linus I ever saw was the lady with the 3 triplets- oliver, miles, and linus. I've seen at least 3 more I think since. It better not get too popular! Then again, it's never even made the SSA name list radar so it might take a while.

    Yeah, I agree that it would take a long while if it did start gaining in popularity, being that its not even in the top 1000. For now, I think we've got a rare gem of a name. ;)

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