I am so close to giving up on CDing. I absolutely LOVE cloth but little man has had yeast for 5 weeks..aka since we've been using them. We switched to sposies for 9 days because we had to use 3 different creams and it finally cleared up on his bum. NOW we've been battling it on the front side for about a week. Here's what we've tried: I washed in bleach during our sposie stint, we do naked time daily, we do baths every other day, we always let him air dry after wiping him.
Our wash routine is as follows - Every other day in RNG watermelon, dry pail, cold rinse, hot wash and another cold rinse.
What the heck else can I do? I'm so sick of this!!!
Thank you so sincerely to anyone who helps with this, I am so sick of this issue.
Re: OMG 5 weeks of yeast - HELP!!!
Maybe it's not yeast. Did you see a dr and get an antifungal Rx for it? The only thing that will clear up yeast is something like Nystatin or Lotrimin. If it cleared up with other diaper creams its most likely not yeast and a reaction to the detergent or being wet. Try a different detergent and also fleece liners.
What kind of diapers? If you ar eusing something like pockets - try some fitteds with wool so LO's skin can get some more air. Also, if you use BGs I know some LOs are sensitive to the suede cloth that is against the skin.
Yea, we've been to the Dr. and Nystatin is how it cleared from his bottom. We're using Nystatin right now on his frontside. I just can't figure out what is wrong.
We spent 5 weeks in sposies fighting yeast not too long ago, it is aggravating. We used the Nystatin until it cleared and then keot him in sposies for more than a week after it looked completely cleared.
While he was healing I bleached everything, including wetbags, wipes, ANYTHING that might have touched a diaper. then after they were rinsed and dry I bleached them all again.
good luck. yeast is beyond frustrating.
I fought yeast a lot from 3-4 months. I gave up on PUL diapers and covers and switched to wool as a cover and prefolds and fitteds.
I believe some kids are predisposed to more yeast problems.
We had a week or so of yeast that cleared up with sposies & Lotramin. It was awful!
As for the diapers, I used BacOut in the 1st cold cycle, on the 2nd (warm water) cycle I used OxyClean powder along with our detergent (RnG), then 3 warm/hot water rinses. So far we haven't had any more flare ups... allaboutclothdiapers.com has an article on it too.