
Tell me about infantile spasms...

What can you tell me about infantile spasms?  I noticed DD does this weird shuttering thing and her whole body shakes and her head does the same thing, then for a second after she just stares.  I brought this up at DD's 6 month appt and pedi said "she is just excited".  Uhm but it happened 5 times this morning when she was eating.  DH said they are cold chills.  Pedi and DH could be right, but so could I.  I would just hate to have something be wrong and this whole time I witnessed it and nothing was done...  =(

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Re: Tell me about infantile spasms...

  • I don't have any answers but you might want to try to record her behavior so you can show it to her doctor next time. I realize this is easier said than done-I've been trying to record DD's reflux choking sounds with no luck. But my doctor did say she may be able to diagnose from a video or sound recording since she can't see the behavior that worries me.

    If you are worried, keep looking for answers. Good luck! 

  • Gabe has done this when he is cold. 
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  • Go with your gut. If you are concerned, push it with the doctor. Taping them is a good idea. I hope they are nothing.
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  • Scarlette did this a few times, although she has outgrown it now. Her Pedi told me that it was her preemie nerves- they are still really sensitive and developing and occassionally caused her to sort of shudder or jerk her arms/legs short of shakily or her chin to tremble.She would stare off after too, which freaked me out.

    She said the way to tell it wasn't a seizure was if it stopped when I laid my hand on it. 

    It is kind of a scary thing to see, sometimes she would do it when she was overstimulated- a lot if I was changing her diaper and she was really sleepy. 

    I would definitely pursue it again w/your dr. if you are concerned, I think "just excited" is a weird answer.

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  • imagekaylaaimee:

    Scarlette did this a few times, although she has outgrown it now. Her Pedi told me that it was her preemie nerves- they are still really sensitive and developing and occassionally caused her to sort of shudder or jerk her arms/legs short of shakily or her chin to tremble.She would stare off after too, which freaked me out.

    She said the way to tell it wasn't a seizure was if it stopped when I laid my hand on it. 

    It is kind of a scary thing to see, sometimes she would do it when she was overstimulated- a lot if I was changing her diaper and she was really sleepy. 

    I would definitely pursue it again w/your dr. if you are concerned, I think "just excited" is a weird answer.

    I agree the just excited answer is weird.  That seems like a cop-out to me.

    Born at 31w3d due to severe IUGR & Placental Insufficiency--2lbs 3ounces

    We'll miss you sweet Debbie Girl (4.21.12) and sweet Cindy Girl (8.9.12)
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  • i agree with this poster, my daughter is doing the same thing..... the drs and nurses assure me its preemie nerves! they say when she shakes like that, where ever the shake is hold it still and it should stop pretty fast..... remember preemies arent 100% ready! hope its nothing more, but if you still dont like it talk to your ped!!!!!
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  • I have been doing a lot of research on these as my daughter has a history of seizures.  There are a lot of video's on youtube of actual infantile spasms.  I have been trying to catch my daughter's behavior on video as well.  I actually don't have a lot of advice as we are searching for it as well but just wanted to offer some sympathy and a place to look. 
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