Pregnant after 35

XP from Feb 2012 board - My NT Scan

I posted this last night on my due date board, but the girls there decided I also post here get some more perspective. Any advice you can give would be great!

So today was the NT scan.  They pricked my finger on my last visit for the blood work portion, and today was the ultrasound.  All through the scan, dr was saying all positive things: present nasal bone, all ventricles of the heart visible and looking good, neck measurements good, liver function good, Baby is even measuring a week ahead of schedule.  Then, when we sat down for the results of the blood test, dr said that the results were not stellar.  I am 36 years old so according to the chart he showed me, risk of DS is 1/216 for may age.  The blood test only improved my results to 1/261, similar to that of a 35 year old.  Even though the scan was really good, the blood test was not able to decrease the risk of DS by an acceptable amount.  Then I burst into tears.  I've been worried about today, but I was also telling myself that I was probably worrying for nothing.  Dr made it sound so dire, asked my husband and I if we knew our options, said that many couples are anxious to adopt DS babies if we did not want our child.  Whatever, my thoughts on that are too long for this post.

Anyhow, I have to go back in 3 weeks for quad screen and a full blood test.  From there I can decide to proceed with a genetic ultrasound or skip straight to the amnio or CVS, which both seem too risky for me.  I've gone through so much to get pregnant at this point that taking the chance of miscarrying does not seem worth it to me.

So are the results really that awful, or am I really overreacting?  I keep reading about how all these scans are notoriously wrong.  I am trying to think positive, but I may be in denial.


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Re: XP from Feb 2012 board - My NT Scan

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    I'm sorry you're dealing with all this and know it must be incredibly stressful. While your results certainly as reassuring we would hope, if you break it down you still only have something like a .04% chance that you will have a baby with an abnormality. Looking at it that way seems a whole lot less daunting. Best of luck!
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    First, I'm so sorry the results weren't more reassuring. Also, I've heard of babies that had much higher odds (like 1/20) that turned out perfect! You may want to research amnios and CVS because the risks are actually much lower than I thought they were when we had to decide. Good luck with your decision and try to remember NT is just a screen and not diagnostic.
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    I am so sorry that your Dr was so gloom and doom on you.  I really think he is over reacting.  A very good friend of mine got a 1/26 chance of having a baby with DS due to measurements and they found a spot on the baby's heart which is another marker.  After becoming very upset she went back to talk to her regular OB and he broke it down for her like this: She still has a 98% of having a perfectly normal baby looking at all of her blood work and family history and only a 2% chance of having a baby with DS.  If she wasn't going to terminate the pregnancy due to the 2% risk then he even advidsed to not even bother with a Amnio because there is a 3% risk of miscarriage. He felt it wasn't worth the risk but left the decision up to her.  He is more conservative which my friend likes about him and after leaving the office she felt very good about her results was able to rest easy.  Your #s are way better than hers.

    There are a ton of ladies on here that have had amnio or cvs and have had no problems and if you choose to have the procedure done the ladies here will tell you you need to make sure whom ever does it has a lot of expeience doing them. 

    I am no Dr but I really think your Dr is freaking you out for no reason.  Good luck! 

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    If you go to an experienced doctor the risks of an amnio are extremely small.  I have had two.  There are no hospitals or practices that perform CVS around here.
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    I think a second opinion might be helpful.  What an odd discussion for your doctor to bring up about adoption.  If he thought the fact that you were upset was anything more then a natural reaction to his take on your results (a very low percentage at 1:260 by the way) you might want to also get another opinion from someone with a little more perspective on the issue.
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    I am sorry you are dealing with all this stress.    I too am 36. I had my NT scan and blood work done at the same time. NT scan was great, within normal for my age. The next week I got a call that my bloodwork showed me having a 1 in 7 chance of Down's. Needless to say I completely freaked out, but it was too late for the CVS so I went in and met with the genetic consultant. She was great, we went over my history and dicsussed my options. I had a detailed US that showed no problems and then I scheduled an amnio. The risk of the amnio was worth knowing what we were facing. I then sat and waited 2 weeks until I could have my amnio. It stung when they did it but it was nothing terrible. I waited a week on pins and needles only to be told that everything was PERFECT. 46 chromosomes and a boy. I wish that I had never done the blood test because it was a complete false positive for increased risk. I lived in complete chaos and fear for weeks.  I wish I had never known there MIGHT be a problem, because with most people there isn't. Good Luck and I will keep you in my thoughts. My advice would be to have the Amnio and skip more bloodwork that is not accurate.


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