
Anxiety... any advice?

So I hate to be "that" woman right now. But do you think you were more anxious because you were having multiples than a normal singleton mom? The longer I go without an ultrasound, and the more I hear the miscarriage stories or the vanishing twin stories I just worry that somethings happened to one of them and I don't even know it. I know this board gets a ton of ridiculous questions so I hope I am not adding to that quota. I am just trying to get past this fear, as it is getting bigger. I have had no bad symptoms, bleeding, cramping etc. I apparently am just a worrying nutcase.... any advice? Thanks ladies, I really appreciate it :)
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Re: Anxiety... any advice?

  • Yes!  To everything you wrote.  I wrote a post like this a few weeks ago.  The ladies here were so kind to me.  Its really helped to know Im not going coo coo ca choo.   A few things people told me that helped were...

    Its normal and natural to feel this way

    We really cant control a lot of this journey called pregnancy

    I would read older posts, I do that and it helps reiterate Im not alone.

    Kind Regards


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  • I wouldn't say I was more anxious. But I was very detached from the pregnancy. I almost excpected to hear that one of the babies didn't make it. I'm sure it sounds crazy. It was the double edged sword of finding out early. It was early enough to know if something were to go wrong, but also early enough to let the news settle in and to prepare for 2 babies. At our 20 week anatomy scan, when we found out they were both girls, I finally let myself start to get attached to both of them. We named them and started planning for 2. And every milestone after that has given me more confidence.

    I hate to say it but there really is nothing you CAN do, other than to try and relax and just enjoy your double blessing. At this stage in the game it's just out of your hands. Follow good nutrition, take care of yourself, minimize stress, rest, stay hydrated and try not to worry! I think with each appointment and every time you hear strong hearbeats or hear at an u/s that they are growing and looking great your confidence will grow and your fears will hopefully be minimized.

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  • Thanks ladies, glad to hear I'm not the only one. I will focus on chilling out a bit. I am having a test at 12 weeks, so at least I get to see an u/s then. I really appreciate the responses, thanks again
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  • I haven't had a singleton so I can't say for sure, but I would think yes.  When I thought there was only one in there, I only read positive things because most people have totally healthy, normal pregnancies.  When I found out there were two babies, I realized that I needed to educate myself about what to be on the lookout for, since multiples are inherently higher risk.  So of course I read about all kinds of situations that I hadn't even imagined... and with that knowledge came anxiety.  

    But unless you're being stupid (i.e. not eating or consistently over-exerting yourself), there's very little you can do to cause problems.  Know the signs and symptoms of PTL and never be afraid to call your doctor.  

    FWIW, my concerns totally paid off.  H and I were set to fly across the country and I started having slight problems.  I figured I'd better run to the doctor just to get an all-clear.  I really thought they'd tell me everything was fine.  Turns out, it wasn't and I was admitted to the hospital that day.  I didn't come home until after the babies were born, more than 10 weeks later.  At least I wasn't stuck in a hospital in Vegas!!   

    Sorry I hope that doesn't freak you out -- so not my intent.  I just mean stay vigilant and as long as you don't let your worry consume you, it can be a healthy thing.   


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  • I've had 3 singletons, and I think I've worried more in the 17 weeks of this pregnancy than I did in the other three combined!  I feel like a twin pregnancy is a whole other ball game and I'm learning as I go.  That said...I agree with the other posters that the best thing you can do is educate yourself and then just do your best to stay healthy, rested and hydrated.  This board has helped me keep my anxiety (somewhat) in check.  :)  Sending healthy pregnancy thoughts your way!
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  • Thank you! I definitely have been reading every baby book, and now every multiples book I can get my hands on. I guess my deepest worry is that something will happen to one of them and I won't even know. I am just gonna try and be positive and focus on learning as much as I can. Thanks again ladies :)
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  • I was absolutely more anxious because there were two.  My Drs all told me I was high risk and I had to sit through the high risk talk 3 times from each different specialty.  

    Its completely normal to worry.  I'd worry about you if you didn't!  What helped me feel better was the fact that healthy statistics were on my side.  Keep thinking positive and try to enjoy this amazing time! 

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