At 5 weeks mine pooped all.the.time. Have you tried to give them an enama (sp?). I think when DD had really bad constipation it was because I was taking pain pills and it backed her up really bad. So I called the pedititrian and he said to try the enama and a tiny bit of prune juice in her milk. Well the enama worked so we never did the juice. But a call into the doctor for advice wouldn't hurt!
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That was about the time that my boys stopped pooping all the time and would go several days with no poop. If they are gassy then they are probably not constipated. I would call the pedi to see what they recommend. We used supositories (sp) when necessary.
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Are they BF or bottle fed? I remember my pedi saying it was normal for them to go a week without pooping if BF...but I'm not sure if that was only under a certain age.
The longest my girls have ever gone without pooping is 2 days (pooped on the 3rd day) but that is few and far between. Normal for mine is once a day (bottle fed)
I'd call the pedi... always better safe than wondering.
We did various things to get them going, but only at the advice of our pedi and I don't remember how old they were (I'm thinking they were older). One was basically taking a rectal temp, and the other was putting a TINY bit of brown sugar in their bottles. GL!
married 03/08/08 -- ttc with PCOS (dx 2005) & DS
IUI #3 gave us the best 2nd anniv. gift ever: 2 babies! (born 03/09/10)
Peanut and Little Man are getting so big! 2 years old already!
We had a lot of constipation issues with one of my boys. At 4 weeks of age the only way he could poop was if I used a rectal thermometer to "help". Per pedi advice we tried karo syrup and water which didn't work that well. At 2 months old pedi said to give an oz of prune juice per day in a bottle. That worked wonders. Call the pedi and see what they say.
My babies are primarily breastfed (supplement one bottle of formula/day) and they have a bowel movement every 4-5 days. Pedi said this is normal in breastfed babies as long as the consistency is normal and not dry looking. Mylicon drops really helped DD's gassiness. She is a much happier baby now.
Re: no poop 5 week olds
Are they BF or bottle fed? I remember my pedi saying it was normal for them to go a week without pooping if BF...but I'm not sure if that was only under a certain age.
The longest my girls have ever gone without pooping is 2 days (pooped on the 3rd day) but that is few and far between. Normal for mine is once a day (bottle fed)
I'd call the pedi... always better safe than wondering.
We did various things to get them going, but only at the advice of our pedi and I don't remember how old they were (I'm thinking they were older). One was basically taking a rectal temp, and the other was putting a TINY bit of brown sugar in their bottles. GL!
IUI #3 gave us the best 2nd anniv. gift ever: 2 babies! (born 03/09/10)
Peanut and Little Man are getting so big! 2 years old already!
finally blogging again at This Will Be: An Adventure
1. swirl a thermometer around in there
2. bicycle their legs... strange, but worked for mine... we caught it on video!
3. add a little prune juice to their bottles... my ped recommended this when she was around 3-4 weeks... I think we added 1-2 oz
4. ? not sure if they're too young for a little suppository... call your ped to see what they recommended.
5. gas - MYLICON - my best friend