
Finally a good twins comment...

Getting a pedi a few nights ago and started talking to a mom of three girls next to me. She asked if I had kids and I said "Yes, twins...a boy and a girl."

Her response, "How amazing, that is such a double blessing. Congratulations!"

I was dumbfounded for a moment because lets face it, how many times has someone actually said something like that, versus the million stupid ones especially "Are the identical?" AFTER being told or seeing a boy and girl.

TTC #1 since 4/2007... MFI (low motility/low Testosterone) & PCOS IVF #1 August 2010...BFP 1st sono shows TWINS!!!! Due May 23rd 2011 Ruptured @ 21 weeks (Jan 13) Delivered 26 weekers (Blake and Addison) on Valentine's Day... Keeping faith and praying, God has a plan and we just have to learn to follow. Our Blog ... Lilypie Premature Baby tickers

Re: Finally a good twins comment...

  • Yeah for good comments!!!! They are a blessing!
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  • I find myself shaking my head over the "Are they identical?!" question.  I have four kids so I usually get the standard, "You should shoot yourself in the head because your life must just SUCK!" comments.  Okay, admittedly they aren't that bad....but close!  I was at church one day and we had a gentleman visiting from another country.  We made small talk and he asked how many kids do I have.  I internally rolled my eyes and braced myself for the usual verbal diarreah I usually get when I disclose the exact number.  But I nearly passed out when he said, "Four?!  That is such a blessing!"  He must've taken note of my shocked facial expression because he followed up with, "In my country, children are ALWAYS a blessing!"  I wanted to cry and hug this guy.  For one...he's a GUY!  What guy says such beautiful things?!  And two, because he was right, they are a blessing!

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  • How sweet! I've heard that one a couple times too and have thought the same thing, "That's it? That's all you are going to say?" Haha
    Lilypie Third Birthday tickers Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers
  • imagebabya2010:
    How sweet! I've heard that one a couple times too and have thought the same thing, "That's it? That's all you are going to say?" Haha

    I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE your siggy pic!!!!  I remember putting my twins in the swing like that.  I miss them being chunky babies!  *Sigh*

  • That's awesome!  I actually haven't gotten a stupid comment yet.  Of course, by saying this I know there's one coming :)  


    Lilypie Second Birthday tickers
  • I remember being about 5 months pregnant and I was still stressed and could cry at the drop of a hat about having twins. So scared I was going to go on bed rest or there would be complications etc and all I had ever heard from everyone was  "OMG, better you then me" or "thank god that never happened to me" or my favorite "You are going to get so huge!!" anyway, I had just had a blubbering break down to my hubby about why this had to happen to me etc. Then I went to a meeting that evening and a woman asked how far along I was and I told her I was having twins. She gave me a huge hug and said "You know God only blesses special people with twins" then went on to say how blessed I was and how lucky I was to have been chosen to be a mom of twins. I started crying b/c I cannot explain how much I needed to hear that, at that exact time! It made me feel so lucky and vain at the same time. Glad you got to experience this too!!
  • I have two sets of twins two years apart, and I have endured stupid and mean comments.  You just have to let the negative comments go, those people are most likely bitter at the fact for whatever reason.  I've had people stare and talk about my family loud enough to hear the comments, and I've been stopped so people can gawk and tell me that their "cousin's cousin knows someone who had twins...." and all their stories.  Now that my twins are older people don't comment as much about twins, but they do still make comments about how big our family is.   Just keep a positive thought and I just think to myself that they didn't mean for their comments to come out as rude as it sounded.

    Glad to hear positive comments, they deffinately don't come very often.


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  • Awww...I got this comment a few weeks ago, makes even the crappiest day better :)
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  • I have to say, I get comments about a double blessing or "what a blessing!" more often than negative comments. Maybe it's from living in the South and also being in Christian circles a lot? I just get that or "You have your hands full!" or "They're not twins, are they? Oh wow, they look so different!" I'm sorry you don't hear the more positive comments more often.
    fraternal twin boys born january 2009
  • imagerakin1423:
    I remember being about 5 months pregnant and I was still stressed and could cry at the drop of a hat about having twins. So scared I was going to go on bed rest or there would be complications etc and all I had ever heard from everyone was  "OMG, better you then me" or "thank god that never happened to me" or my favorite "You are going to get so huge!!" anyway, I had

    Oh, I remember that fragile time!  I get more positive comments than negative ones, and while the negative ones do get to me at times, I've learned to shrug them off for the most part.  People just don't get it.  However, I think people need to be extra sensitive to pregnant MoMs, especially soon after they get the news.  That is a tough time!!!

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