Cloth Diapering

Beckerella and others who use cloth bins for storage

I have been thinking about getting a shelf and storing cloth diapers on it.  My one hesitation is that I'm afraid LO will get into the bins and pull out all of the diapers.  Do you have a problem with this?  Now that we're on our way to 2 LOs I really need more storage!!
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Re: Beckerella and others who use cloth bins for storage

  • Nope. They're on a high shelf
  • Addison doesn't really mess w/ her closet in her room so no issues for us... Our bins slide into the hanging holder so they are kinda hard to get out too, but she doesn't ever get out of bed really until we come to get her and if she does she plays w/ her toys not in her closet. Now that I said this she will tear it apart. LOL 


    Our bins downstairs which house our immediate stash get refilled from laundry or the closet bins and they are high enough she cannot reach so no issues there.  

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    I have been thinking about getting a shelf and storing cloth diapers on it.  My one hesitation is that I'm afraid LO will get into the bins and pull out all of the diapers.  Do you have a problem with this?  Now that we're on our way to 2 LOs I really need more storage!!

    Mine are low enough for C to get into and it's his favourite past time. Good thing I don't care too much about restacking. But we only really hang out in his bedroom before/after naps and before bed. So it's not that hard to restack when he goes to play with something else. 

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  • She'll play with the bottom cubes occasionally. I have her shoes in one and she loves taking them out and putting them back in. Usually she only takes the cubes out if they aren't tucked in, as she can see what's inside at that point. When they're all tucked into the shelf she basically leaves them alone.
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