Upstate NY Babies

I have an eviction date

This baby seriously does not want to come out.  I made virtually no progress from last week, still 1cm and fairly firm.  I had another NST and a BPP, so we got to see him.  And the best part is that they turned on 3D for us!  It was really cool to see him like that, I've never had a 3d ultrasound.

I'm not favorable for an induction right now, and his fluid levels and everything else look great, so they're willing to let me wait until Wednesday.  If he's not here by then, I'll most likely be induced that day.  Here's a picture of the little guy all smooshed in there!


Re: I have an eviction date

  • Good heavens, little boy - get on outta there! Seriously, you are a champ. Are you doing all the "home remedies" to bring it on? How do you feel about the eviction date?

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  • I was thinking about you! Hope he decides to make an appearance on his own this weekend.

    Do some jumping jacks or something! ;)

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  • At least there's a light at the end of the tunnel, right?

    I've heard not to get a 3d U/S in 3rd tri because you "can't see" anything but I think yours is awesome! I love his little nose!

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  • I've been doing everything possible for more than a week- walking, bouncing on a birthing ball, pineapple, acupressure, the list goes on and on.  He's just super comfy in there! 

    I'm fine with waiting, I'm still pretty comfortable.  Things hurt, but I'm still sleeping pretty well.  I wish I felt worse, then I would be more confident that I'm actually going to go into labor!  And I definitely don't want a failed induction leading to a c-section, so we'll give him a little more time.


  • Not that you need more suggestions, but did you ask your dr about or think of trying the red raspberry leaf tea and evening primrose oil? I started going that combo around 37.5 weeks. One is supposed to help with uterus health and one is supposed to soften your cervix, if I am remembering correctly? I know the Natural Birth board is all about the home rememdies, I read about them there...
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  • What a cute picture!  I hope he changes his mind and decides he wants to come out this weekend for you.  Thinking about you!
  • aww man that's frustrating, but things can turn around so fast!  Hopefully he'll decide to come this weekend for you! 
  • Wow, he definitely sounds like he's having too good of a time in there. Hope he changes his mind in the next couple days!
  • Was your first overdue too?

    I can't believe you still haven't gone overdue!  Is everyone bugging you all the time too?  That's what drove me nuts the most!

  • Wow!  He must be very comfortable in there :)
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