Pregnant after 35

Love my OB and everyone at his office... except for the billing manager (vent)

My OB has been wonderful, both during my first pregnancy and this one.  The nurses are awesome and so are the rest of the people at the office, but their billing manager is pi$$ing me off! 

 Back in May I received an EOB from our insurance, showing my OB's office had already billed the insurance for the dr.'s fees.  That amount should be billed at the time of delivery, not 4-5 month earlier.  Anyway, I spoke with  the billing manager, she acknowledge the mistake and said she'd correct it.  Fast forward to late June/early July, I checked in with her to find out if she had reversed the charges.  No such luck.  She promised she would, so ok, I let her do her job.

 I checked our insurance website a few days ago... she still hasn't taken care of reversing the charges, and I'm 2 weeks away from my c/s date.  I contacted our insurance and made them aware of the problem.  They said they'd research it and contact OB's office.  I left a (not so nice) voicemail for the billing manager and told her I would expect to talk to her in person today, when I come in to see my OB. 

If any of this causes billing problems when I go into the hospital,   I am going to kick her a$$. Angry

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Re: Love my OB and everyone at his office... except for the billing manager (vent)

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    Even if no one responded to my post, I'm just glad to have a place to vent.  Big Smile
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    Maybe your office is one of those that charges for delivery way before you go into labor?  I remember reading on one of the boards that some people were being charged for L&D costs a few months before thier due date.  I remember thinking that was crazy but maybe that is what is being done here?  It falls in the same time period as the other women who were venting about the charges.

     I have no ideas for you but that is insane that they billed you for something that hasn't even happened yet and then won't reverse the charges.

    I'd be pissed too !!!!! Good luck!!

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    You know, at first I thought the same thing: maybe they file this stuff ahead of time and I just didn't remember them doing the same during my first pregnancy.

    I went to see my OB yesterday and asked to talk to the billing manager while I waited.  That's when they let me know they now have an outside company taking care of their billing.

     My OB apologized right at the beginning of our visit and said he had had to let this lady go about 2 weeks ago because she had made some serious mistakes on other patients' accounts.  He also said the claim should not have been filed 3+ months in advance and he's been in touch with the new billing company so they'll fill out the appropriate paperwork to reverse the charges asap.

     I was given the name and number of the new company, so I'll follow up with them on Monday.

     Thanks so much for your support! 


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    So glad that you got some answers.  Thank goodness that this woman is no longer working there.  Sounds like it wasn't the position for her.  At least it sounds like there is a way to remedy this.  It is nice to know that your Drs office takes responsibility for it's mistkes and is working with you to make it right.  It speaks volumes to the practice. 

    You are very welcome for the support.  We all need to stick together :) 

    Have a wonderful weekend.

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