

How are the toes?Has the soaking/socks helped.

Re: R9

  • I have taken the past two days off from running... hoping to put in an hour run tomorrow!

    I haven't went to buy new socks.  I knew I was forgetting to do something today... damn!


    Thanks for asking.  Are you a runner, too? 

    Daisypath Wedding tickers
  • yes. Training for Chicago in Oct. I have had some injury in the past and doing a program were you run 3x a day and cross train 3x a day. What are you training for?Plus a know a lot about feet!

    I never comment too much but visit here time to time.

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  • I am training for a half in September, and FFG (one of my IRL besties) is going to let me crash on her couch!

    I.hate.cross training.  Hate it.

    With a passion.

    I have had 4 knee surgeries, and was worried about them going into this  'mission', but now I am worried about my middle toe!
    Daisypath Wedding tickers
  • Yes my knee has been my most recent problem too. I use to hate xtraining but have been doing a lot of swimming and spinning on the other days. My goal to make it to Boston, run Boston and never do another marathon again! I do love halfs though and destination ones especially were you meet up with friends are the best.

    Be careful with toe but it should be fine just try to avoid friction to area when you get back to running.(make sure it is covered). Also some times when it is irritated like that I also ice and take motrin to decrease the swelling.  Once you find your favorite socks make sure you wear them for the race. I made the mistake of wearing new socks for my first marathon. Worst mistake ever! 


  • So should I put a bandaid over the front of that toe?   And my pinky?

    Any recs for socks?

    My sister's bff has 'accidentally' BQed 4x now.   She can't afford to go though....  The last time 4 days after she rolled her ankles and ran with an ankle brace on.   Crazysnatch!
    Daisypath Wedding tickers
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