Okay so long story short my due date is Friday but because of a large baby I am supposed to be induced on Wednesday. I have been hoping that I would go into labor before and I could possibly be in early labor now. I have been having contractions on and off since 5:30 and they are seeming more consistent and I realized that I dont know when I should call about going to the hospital. What did they tell you you should be at when you called to come in? I am debating on if I should call my mom who lives an hour away and is planning on being here when I go in. Thanks!
Re: Help when do I go to the hospital?
I did this with DD #1 and won't try it with #2. When I got into the shower, contractions were 6 minutes apart. I was in the shower for lss then 15 minutes. All of a sudden, contractions jumped to 3 minutes apart and lasted over a minute. It was a 45 minute drive to the hospital. Baby came pretty quickly but we got to the hospital safely. Since second babis are supposed to come that much quicker, theres no way I would try this trick again.