
Help when do I go to the hospital?

Okay so long story short my due date is Friday but because of a large baby I am supposed to be induced on Wednesday.  I have been hoping that I would go into labor before and I could possibly be in early labor now.  I have been having contractions on and off since 5:30 and they are seeming more consistent and I realized that I dont know when I should call about going to the hospital.  What did they tell you you should be at when you called to come in?  I am debating on if I should call my mom who lives an hour away and is planning on being here when I go in.  Thanks!

Re: Help when do I go to the hospital?

  • My advice would be go take a shower massage your nipples, if the contractions gets stronger keep the massaging up until you think your ready to go.. thats what my dr told me and thats what I did with peyton when the contractions started i did the above and peyton was here less then 12 hours later... hth GOOD LUCK!!
  • If your contractions are about 5 mins apart, last about 1 min each, and has been like that for an hour or more, then I'd call and let them know. Sit in a warm bath and see if that slows things down. If not, then it's probably the real deal. Good luck!
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  • I'd call your mom and doc now, when it's still a decent time.  Just to give them a heads up.  But, stay at home as long as you can.  Eat some light food, drink, try and rest if you can, but also try to keep the contrax coming.  Don't go to the hospital until your contrax are coming every 3-5 mins for more than an hour. GL!
  • imagezacook:
    My advice would be go take a shower massage your nipples, if the contractions gets stronger keep the massaging up until you think your ready to go.. thats what my dr told me and thats what I did with peyton when the contractions started i did the above and peyton was here less then 12 hours later... hth GOOD LUCK!!


    I did this with DD #1 and won't try it with #2.  When I got into the shower, contractions were 6 minutes apart. I was in the shower for lss then 15 minutes.  All of a sudden, contractions jumped to 3 minutes apart and lasted over a minute.  It was a 45 minute drive to the hospital.  Baby came pretty quickly but we got to the hospital safely.  Since second babis are supposed to come that much quicker, theres no way I would try this trick again.

  • I was told to call in when they're 5 minutes apart for at least an hour. ?With my first, they were 5 minutes apart for pretty much a whole day, but they weren't very strong. ?My dr. then said to call in if they became strong enough that I had trouble talking through the contractions. ?When I got to the hospital, they were 2-3 minutes apart and very painful, but I was STILL only 1 cm. ?9 hours later I had a baby, though. ?Good luck!
  • Oh, and I would go ahead and call your mom if you really think you might be in early labor.
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