Pregnant after 35

Has This Happen To You

I'm 38 wks and went for my  weekly doc checkup yesterday. 

He told me he would do a cervix checked, to see if i have started to dilate. IT HURT.. He said I was 1 centimeters and 70 effaced . anyways after checkup  hubby and I went to babies r us. While I was walking I felt a big heavy drip down my pants , I walked fast to the bathroom, thinking my water broke , But instead it was Blood a lot.  rushed out the bathroom drove 10 mins to hospital , after ultra sounds , some contractions they said im fine, and they said  that this happens to a lot of  women when they get there cervix checked. Im still bleeding its been 24 hrs, but now very lite.  they say its normal. 

I wanted to know if some of you ladies went through this .


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