Eco-Friendly Family

XP: please help me with my stinky pail

I've been CDing since DD was born, and am using BG 4.0 w/MF and AFFF inserts. I had a metal trash can with a planetwise pail liner, but it has been sooooo stinky that her room smells like a pet store! I've been using Rocking green shake it up, but maybe I have to use much more, because it isnt helping. The tea tree oil on a cloth wipe works a little bit, but the stench has taken over.

What can I do? Buy a new trash can, plastic this time? Does Scentsy work? I dont want to stop CDing over this Sad

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Re: XP: please help me with my stinky pail

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    I don't know if you can do this with your can, we have plastic and if it gets funky we just take it out back, throw in a squirt of Dawn, hose it down and let it air dry.
    Natural M/C-> 10/21/09

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    How often do you wash your pail? Sounds like funk got in between the grooves of the stainless steel. Like pp, we use a plastic pail. It gets a good scrub about once a week with Dr Bronners. I bet vinegar would work as well.
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    Our pail is stinky, too, and it's plastic. But it's doing better lately, I just started using the Rockin Green shake it up (earth wind and orchid, I think it's called?), and also have those orange discs on the bottom. I forget what their official name is, we get them at our local CD store. Also, lavender oil and tea tree oil on the inside scent tag of our WAHMIES pail liner bag.
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    I think I responded on your other post, but try leaving the lid open.  The more airflow you can get in there the less the stink.  We leave our pail open in the bathroom (because that's where we have room for it) and you can't even smell it.  When we closed the lid we would get burn your nose stink.
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