I?ve been looking forward to today?s appointment for weeks. There is a rotation of 5 OBs in my clinic and whoever is on call is who will deliver. Today I had my first appointment (at 39 weeks) with the doctor who did the c-section with DS. On the day he was born, after surgery she came to see me and told me that she felt really bad that I had had to have a c-section but that I was a really great candidate for a VBAC. I have held onto that and been excited for her encouraging words that I was sure she would have today. Instead, this is what I got:
-She walks in and says ?Hello, I?m Dr. N, nice to meet you.? To which I let her know that she was the doc that performed my c-section last time and my 2nd surgery after I got a terrible infection and met with me weekly for 10 weeks after the birth to follow up and get my incision healed. Thanks for remembering me or reading my chart to see that you have indeed not only met me but performed surgery on me, TWICE!
-Then she asks if I have any questions and I tell her I only want to know what station the baby is at to see if he is dropping b/c he sure feels lower than DS1 ever was and my reason for c-section was failure to descend. When she does check me she leaves this information out and I have to ask her again. To which she says ?I?d say he?s pretty high up there?
-She goes on to tell me that the odds for aVBAC success are about 75%, but in my situation (she called me CPD), it is a lot lower, but that if I want a vaginal birth she will support my attempts. Which I know from reading things too, but what happened to the OB that delivered my son and thought I was such a great candidate for a VBAC???
-She says after checking me ?wow, you?re already 3 cm and not even due yet, that is a good sign? I tell her I was 3 last week. (Shouldn?t she know that from reading my file/chart??)
-She says, well, one thing we could do is an u/s to see how big baby is, I don?t think he?s going to be petite. I declined, I don?t need them to have any ammunition to have a c-section. So what if the u/s thinks he?s big? What would be the point?
-She tells me that she wouldn?t be surprised if I have the baby this weekend and tells me who?s on call (my favorite OB so I?m excited and hope to have the baby this weekend!) Then I ask her who is on-call today and tomorrow. She says she doesn?t know and that she?s not in that rotation that only lasted about a week for her. WHAT!? The only reason I met with her is because I was meeting with all of the doctors in the rotation?I never would have made an appointment with her if I knew there was no possibility of her delivering. Why didn?t anyone tell me that she?s no longer in the rotation?
If you made it through this, thanks for reading. I know that I am doing everything possible for my VBAC and that things are going to be very different this time. But expecting her to be encouraging and experiencing the opposite has really upset me.
Re: Upset by 39 week appt (very long rant)
That is frustrating! I would be annoyed too!
But, focus on the good stuff here- you don't have to worry about her, since she's not on rotation!
-you favorite doc is on call this weekend!
-and you're already 3cm dilated!!! (you're 30% of the way there already
Good luck! We'll all be waiting to hear your VBAC success story!
Ugh, that sounds like a really frustrating appt. But I guess it's good that you won't have to deal with her delivering, and yay for 3 cm!
She sucks!!! Good thing you won't have her!
Go buy "Come Out Baby" from the Hypnobabies website! It worked for my friend 2 weeks ago...she listened to it one night and had her baby the next night! She was 3cm and 75% effaced when she listened to it, the next day she was 4cm and went to the hospital at 7ish pm and had the baby at 10:50