Cloth Diapering

1st time mom and new to cloth

My sister has CDed all three of her kids and I'm very excited to try cloth as well. I just wanted to know how many cloth diapers should I start out with? I'm looking at getting both some bunGenius 4.0 diapers and some one size Flips to start off with. I just don't know how many of each I would get and how many inserts to prepare for CDing my LO. Thanks!
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Re: 1st time mom and new to cloth

  • Check the FAQ - it depends how often you want to wash.

    The diapers you listed won't fit a newborn. You can either also buy some tiny diapers, or you can use disposables until baby grows into one-size diapers (around 10-12 lb).

  • Like PP said, check out the FAQ's for some good info.

    I think 18 would be the bare minimum you would want to have and with 24 you should be able to wash every other day with no problems.

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  • I love both of these brands, but would suggest trying out a few more and not making your entire stash just of these.  Does your sister have any other brands you can try out and see how to works on your LO?

    Our BG fit LO at about 11lbs, but we still had a few leaks because they were a bit big then.   Now he is between 16-17lbs now and they fit great, so you will definitely need a NB option.

    GL and ask questions!

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