Eco-Friendly Family

Givin Props to EFF Blog

I was flippin through the 'Parents' mag that I had swiped from the Doctors office and noticed they were having a best blog awards. So I  nominated EFF and just got the confirmation email that it is on their list and ready for votes! Go here
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Re: Givin Props to EFF Blog

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    Just curious, why did you swipe a magazine from a doctors office?
    Lilypie Second Birthday tickers
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    Nice I made sure I voted
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    A friend of mine linked me to this post, I just wanted to say thank you.  It was so nice to see the notice in my inbox this morning.  It's nice to know that the blog is helpful to others :)
    Check out The Eco-Friendly Family, a
    Green Living Blog
    for eco-information and fun giveaways!

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    LOL my docs office always has a table of freebies.. swiped prob wasnt the right word there... like I just got this bag full of enfamil samples and coupons :-D
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