Cloth Diapering

Night time diaper changes

I just started co-sleeping with my baby because otherwise there we weren't getting any sleep at all.  I was wondering how many times I should be getting up to change his diaper.  I'm using Bumgenius 4.0 a night and I have extra inserts to pad them with but I'm still not sure how often I should change them. (He still wakes almost every 2 hours)
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Re: Night time diaper changes

  • At that age, I changed DS's diaper at every waking. It didn't seem to phase him much as he would go right back to sleep.

    Once he was a bit older and waking up less, and once he was only ever peeing at night, I stopped changing him. I added a microchamois topped insert to help keep his bum from being red in the morning. He sleeps now about 11 hours without getting changed. 



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  • Yeah, we were changing every time she was awake and wet at that point.
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  • Once DS quit pooping overnight, I only changed him if he had a diaper leak and wet jammies.
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  • DS still wakes 1 or 2 times per night to eat (yes, he's a chunky monkey) and I change him every time, since he's awake anyway.
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