Eco-Friendly Family

Somwhat EFFR: High Tension Lines near houses?

My realtor brought up this issue and I've done some research, but would like to get your opinions on here! WDYT? Leukemia causing, no/low risk, inconclusive?
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Re: Somwhat EFFR: High Tension Lines near houses?

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    Is this a house you own...or are thinking of buying?

    I'd just say that regardless of health issues...houses near power lines take a price hit because they are seen as "unsightly" near a home, sit on the market longer, and are harder to sell in general (no matter the quality).

    We went ahead and crossed any house near power lines off our list because we were planning to raise kids. Even if the jury is out on the health issue...why take the risk if you don't have to, you know?

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    What dosafyre said. And I'm not convinced that long term EMF exposure does not cause harm to human bodies, especially the unborn and young children.
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    My husband grew up in a neighbourhood near high tension lines. There wasn't a family in the area that wasn't touched by cancer. My father in law had cancer. It may have been many other factors (water, pollution etc.). We won't live near the wires because I fear that it was the link to cancer. Even if it wasn't I won't take the chance. Electrical fields do weird things to cells.
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    Electrical fields do weird things to cells.

    Agreed.  We looked at a house that had these lines pretty much in the backyard, and DH immediately said no.  His aunt is an alternative health care provider, and has seen many families with ailments ranging from fatigue or skin conditions to cancer, and they all lived within range of a huge electromagnetic field.  It's not a chance I'd be willing to take.

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    thank you for your insight!  I was leaning towards  this  POV anyways,but DH wasnt so I'll show him your posts :) 
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    My DH said his parents bought a house and moved it to another property (because there were high-tension power lines on the property) when he was a little boy.  His dad (who is an electrician, and pretty knowledgeable about this kind of thing), walked outside with a fluorescent light bulb, and it illuminated just because of the vicinity of the power lines.  That's scary, IMO
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    We live near high tension power lines (they are only visible during the winter because of woods but they are quite close).  We were concerned with rumors we'd heard about cancer and electromagnetic fields so we had specialist inspector come out and test the EMF.  There were absolutely no raised numbers anywhere except when he crossed two properties and stood directly under the lines.  This put our minds at ease and we went ahead and bought our house.
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    Is this a house you own...or are thinking of buying?

    I'd just say that regardless of health issues...houses near power lines take a price hit because they are seen as "unsightly" near a home, sit on the market longer, and are harder to sell in general (no matter the quality).

    We went ahead and crossed any house near power lines off our list because we were planning to raise kids. Even if the jury is out on the health issue...why take the risk if you don't have to, you know?


    Just started looking at houses and she brought it up. How far should the wires be? One house we're looking at has a 1/4 acre backyard and behind it is the length of the soccer field. Would that be too close?

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    I would say no if they are large transmission lines and you can see them from your property. Especially if you are pregnant, or plan to be in the future while living there. I have nixed several neighborhoods for this reason, and one whole town because it is next to what is referred to as "refinery row". No thank-you, not even if you paid me to live there.
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    I think when I was looking at houses I was getting uncomfortable with anything closer then 1,000 feet from lines or highways. And if you can see the lines from anywhere on the property (unless they are way in the distance) you might take a hit.

    We actually have a big power line trail about 5 blocks from our house...just a little under 1,500ft.

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    I think when I was looking at houses I was getting uncomfortable with anything closer then 1,000 feet from lines or highways. And if you can see the lines from anywhere on the property (unless they are way in the distance) you might take a hit.

    We actually have a big power line trail about 5 blocks from our house...just a little under 1,500ft.


    Thanks! That helps! I had to take one off the list!

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