$60 ppd for all 9
$6 + ship separately.
VGUC. Bought these from another bumpie when I was stashing for 2 in cloth and honestly didn't use them much since DH didn't like snaps. Some snaps are hard to snap. Slightly pilly. No stains. Washed in Eco Friendly Family blog detergent only.
This is the worst of the pilliness where the aplix use to be on the diaper
You can see inners have no stains though
Inserts-you can see the color difference b/w NB ones and 3 snap inserts. I have never sunned, so they may brighten up if you hang your diapers.
Re: SOLD----For sale: 9 Bumgenius snap converted 3.0's (PIP heavy)
no these are one size diapers. They won't work till later. I think most people say around 10 lbs ish.