I want to find a detergent I can use for CD and all of our clothes as well. What brand is your favorite? It would be so much easier to have one kind of detergent for all laundry. I've been checking out the brands at our local stores, but nothing has caught my eye so far. Any help would be great!
July Siggy Challenge-Memory Lane- 3 year old me
Re: Rec your favorite detergent
DD2 | June 2011
DS1 | Oct 2013
ADD3 | Oct 2014 (April 2001)
DS2 | June 2016
DS3 | Dec 2018
Due with baby blob August 2021
I've been using Rock n Green, but it's not working great with my water (I've been having to strip every couple weeks). I'm going to try Clean B, and in the meantime I'm using the EFF homemade cloth diaper detergent - borax, washing soda, and oxyclean. The EFF general laundry detergent adds some soap, I think.
I easily found the ingredients at my grocery store, and they were relatively cheap (I think it was about $6 each for the borax and washing soda, and I already had no-name oxyclean).
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