Pregnant after 35

Pain under ribs worsening

I know I have complained about this recently, but the pain under my ribs is getting worse =(  It thought it was going away, but last night, I literally felt something "tear" as I turned to the other side.  Now the pain has extended lower and is very tender to touch.  It hurts to have my shirt on, and the only relief I have is when I don't have anything touching it.  Every time Baby Haribo kicks or punches me in that area, I want to scream =(  I am and take off my shirt!   I know that no one can really help me, but I needed to vent.
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Re: Pain under ribs worsening

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    I had that with my last pregnancy.  It was awful.  It got so bad, that I ended up going to my Dr to see if there was anything she could do to help me. 

    Sadly, there was nothing.  I just had to tough it out.

    Hope it gets better soon.

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    Thank you for sharing!  Honestly, it makes me feel better to know I am not the only crazy one with this symptom.
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    I'm so sorry. I am going through the same thing as you right now - since you are a handful of weeks ahead of me...well, at least I'm prepared to be in this for the long haul.

     I asked my doctor about it on Monday when I was in for a visit and she basically used the same words you did - it is the muscles tearing across the ribcage as they are stretched, etc...Not that that is helpful to you right now but I think it is normal with some women (yay?).





    ~Married 11/08~
    ~TTC since 01/09~
    ~SA & B/W - 06/09 - Normal~
    ~Encouraged by OB to "just keep trying" 06/09 - 06/10 (oh, the wasted time)~
    ~HSG - 08/10 - Clear/Normal~
    ~Lapo - 01/11 - Normal~
    ~Clomid 50mg, Trigger shot, Prometrium - 01/11, 02/11, 03/11~
    ~BFN - 02/11~
    ~IUI #1 03/15/11~
    BFP 3/28/2011
    Diagnosed with GD at 28 weeks. Controlled through diet and exercise. No insulin.
    Diagnosed with Cholestasis of pregnancy @ 36 weeks.
    Delivered via C-section @ 36 weeks on 11/9/11.

    TTC#2 for a few months naturally (ha!)
    ~IUI#1, Clomid, Trigger,  10/13 - BFN
    ~IUI#2, Femera, Ovidrel, 11/13


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    I posted last week about my babys head ramming my stomach. It was soooo bad/painful that I couldnt lay down and if i did Id have the urge to vomit. my ob confirmed it was her position and nothing would help till she moved. Once she moved I got instant relief. Hope your baby Haribo moves soon for you. Its not nice!!
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