Cincinnati Babies

Birth Certificate Question- Trihealth

Did you receive your Birth Certificate from a Trihealth hospital without having to pay for it? I have been waiting for our birth certificate to come in and finally called today. They said " you dont get it for free- you have to pay 24.00" This would have been nice to know when we were at the hospital. I was told that they send the copy automatically. Did I get the wrong information?!? What has everyone's experiences been?

Re: Birth Certificate Question- Trihealth

  • You don't get them free and they don't come from the hospital. They come from the Dept. of Health's office of Vital Statistics. The cost is $24. The hospital only completes the information and submits it to the state. I'm not sure who told you that you get them free from the hospital but unfortunately neither of those is true. And don't request it until baby is at least 6 weeks old. If you request it too early they send the whole request and check back to you saying they couldn't find anyone matching that information. 
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  • Thanks- another way for them to get moola from me!


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  • I just delivered last weekend at Bethesda and I got a postpartum folder that had a sheet on how to obtain your LO's birth certificate. It did state your had to request it from the dept of health for $24. The folder also had the form that needed filled out with the birth certificate info needed. Didn't you get that folder too?
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • I delivered at Good Sam and in the folder they gave me, there was the packet to fill out for the birth certificate and then another paper to request a certified copy of it. I have it filled out and am waiting to send it in
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