Cloth Diapering

GM questions

I want to try out a few fitteds (starting with GM, then maybe TT, B4 or Sbish) to see if I like them enough to find the fitted love.  Right now the only fitteds we use are Clotheez and I like them so I know serged edges don't bother LO.  I see there are several types of GMs and I wanted to know if it matters which one I try first.  There are a couple on her website that are knit, new turned, obv and then one that I found on spots that just says serged, cvi.  Does it matter, I like the fabric of the one on spots better.  If it matters my son is 16 months, 25lbs, 32", and between a md/lg diaper but most of our stash is one size pockets.  Thanks, any direction on any of the fitteds will help!
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Re: GM questions

  • This is be long, so bear with me.  :)

    New turned vs. Old turned vs. Serged - New/Old turned indicate where they are made.  New = Utah, Old = TX - she started differentiating them because people were questioning where their diapers were being made because of quality control issued.  Turned vs. Serged is purely preference - some people say serging fits their babies better, but others say that the stitching on the serged irritates their babies.

    Knit vs. Woven - knits are stretchy and have more give when you put them on the baby, whereas wovens give the diaper more structure.  Again, it's personal preference and how your baby is shaped.

    OBV (organic bamboo velour) vs CV (cotton velour) - OBV is soft and squishy but doesn't come in colors.  CV comes in different colors, but can discolor with use.  There's really no difference between the two..

  • Thenks Pixy!  I've been a lurker for 2 years and have avoided all of the GM posts and now that I want to try them I couldn't find any old posts and the Review Spreadsheet wasn't loading.  I figured it was all personal preference so I will have to try a few to see what I like.  At least I know I can turn around and sell them if I hate them!

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  • We like our GMs and my DS is close to yours in age. :)

    Pixy summed it up really well, but I thought I would just add that at your DS's age I would stick to knits for GMs (wovens are starting to seem a little short in the rise for us) and definitely consider TT and B4 since they're a little more generously sized for toddlers. Happy shopping!

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